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Q: How do you pronounce aequitas?
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Related questions

Is aequitas Latin?

Yes. the Latin word aequitas means equity

What is Veritas and aequitas mean?


What services do Aequitas Capital offer?

Aequitas Capital Management office is located at Bellevue, Washington. Aequitas provides CarePayment Programs to its customers whereby hospital patients can pay their bills using the CarePayment Card without paying any interest.

What does Veritas Aequitas mean?

Truth and Justice

What does Aequitas mean in Irish?

Justice Justice

What is justice in Latin?

Negative. Justice in LATIN = Aequitas. Aequitas is 'justice' in the sense of something like 'the goodness and justice of a cause.' The term for both the legal sense and the moral sense is : justitia

What word is on the boondock saints finger?

They have the Latin words Aequitas: "Truth" and Veritas: "Justice".

What does Veritas and Aequitas mean?

"Veritas" means truth, while "Aequitas" means justice. Together, they are often associated with the idea of truth and justice being core principles to uphold in various aspects of life.

What does the tattoos from the boondock saints mean?

The tattoo that Connor has on his left hand/index finger says, "VERITAS," which is Latin for "Truth." Murphy also has a tattoo in the same place but on his right hand, that says, "AEQUITAS," which is Latin for "Justice/Equality."

What does equitas mean?

Equitas is Latin for "You (singular) ride on horseback." If you're looking for the Latin for equity, use aequitas.

Aequitas est correctio legis generaliter latoe qua parti deficit?

Equity is the correction of that wherein the law, by reason of its generality, is deficient.

What text is the boondock saints' aequitas and veritas tattoos in?

it's in latin. it means truth and justice