Semper vigilo fortis paratus et fidelis
Sem (as in cement) -per (as in temper)
vig (as in pidgeon) -ilo (as in ee-low)
for (as in for) -tis (as in tiss)
par (as in par) -a (as in ahh) -us (as in us)
et (as in et)
fid (as in hid) -el (as in ale) -is (as in iss)
This question was already asked and answered so here is the link: What_is_'Semper_vigilo_paratus_et_fidelis'_in_English
Hope it helps! :)
These are two separate phrases:Veritas vos liberabit is "the truth will set you free".Semper vigilo, fortis paratus et fidelis is "I am always keeping watch, strong, prepared and faithful".
The motto of the United States Navy is "Semper Fortis," which translates to "Always Courageous" in English.
fortis = (Fôr•tîss)
"Fidelis et fortis" means "loyal and strong" in Latin.
The motto of Northland College - Kaikohe - is 'Fortis et Fidelis'.
The motto of James Gillespie's High School is 'Fidelis Et Fortis'.
The motto of Mary Baldwin College is 'Non pro tempore sed aeternitate'.
Defensor fortis-Defender of the force. (The United States Air Force Security Force)
U.S. Navy unitsUS Navy: Paratus Et Potens ("Ready and Able"), Semper Fortis ("Always Strong"), also Non Sibi, Sed Patriae("Not for ourselves, but for our country") are often cited as their motto. Core values: "Honor, Courage, Commitment". Recruitment motto: "Accelerate Your Life".Independent CorpsNavy Supply Corps: Ready for SeaNavy SEALs: The only easy day was yesterday.Construction Battalions Seabee: Can Do!, Construimus et Batuimus ("We Have Built [Them] Up and We Have Beaten/Knocked [Them] Down"); (Unofficial Motto) Construimus, Batuimus, Bibimus! ("We build [Them] up, We beat [Them] down, [Then] We drink!")U.S. Navy education and trainingUnited States Naval Academy Ex Scientia Tridens "Out of Knowledge [comes] the Trident (i.e., Sea Power)"Naval Nuclear Power Training Command Knowledge. Integrity. Excellence.(Reason of edit: Incorrect motto, "Semper Fi" is for the Marines)(Reason I know this: 5 years in the Navy as a Hospital Corpsman)
St Malachy's College's motto is 'Gloria Ab Intus'.
Fortis banking centers can no longer be located anywhere. This is because Fortis was broken up in 2009. Fortis banks were sold to other companies, and the only part of Fortis still in operation is a line of insurers.