If FSc you are referring to is the intermediate then
F Sc
Faculty of science
Faculty of Arts
Please consult above abbreviation again because right one is
F.A- First Examination of Arts
F.Sc- First Examination of Science
it only stands for faculty of science By Fayyaz Ali Khan Puarn
FA means Faculty of Arts and Fsc means Faculty of Science
Faculty of science
FSC Stand for: Faculty of Science
FA,FSc result of private candidate in respect of mst;javeria afzal under roll no'9132
FA Stand for what?
FA stand for Fat Admirer. Its when someone is interestedd in 'bigger' people.
FA Cup = Football Association Challenge Cup.
FSC (Fox Soccer) are showing extensive coverage of the FA Cup, so it seems likely that they will also show the final, although it might not be live.
FSC stands for Forest Stewardship Council. It is an international non-profit organization that promotes responsible management of the world's forests by certifying sustainable forestry practices. FSC certification ensures that timber products come from forests that are managed in an environmentally and socially responsible manner.
what FA stand for....
the prcedure is very simple u should get aleast 60% in fsc and 70% in fa ... get the admision form and apply it
Yes we can improve our Fsc