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(1) Not for publication. (2) I disagree with this answer. For example, many famous people appear in Philip Jose Farmer's Riverworld books. including Sir Richard Burton and Mark Twain (Samuel Clemens). There is a movie script being considered for production in Hollywood based on a book called Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter.

Ok, not if they are ALIIVE . Alittle common sense , please. The dead can't sue you.

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Q: Can you write a fantasy story about a famous person?
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Write about a turkey who works at a pet store -- sounds like a perfectly good idea to me. You're the author, not some anonymous person on the internet! Plant your butt in a chair and get started on that poor turkey's story. If you don't know what goes on in a pet store, start researching. Here's a link to how authors come up with story ideas.

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Write whatever you want -- you're the author! If you're interested in one, write that one. If you like something else, write that instead. You have to write what's most interesting to you, not what some anonymous person on the internet tells you to do.

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You believe in the impossible and write it down. :)

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Here are some good links to help you become a writer. Realistic fiction is just a fiction story that could actually happen, as opposed to science fiction or fantasy.