Residents with an abundance of one product traded it for other products.
top 5 cities for economy
Less farming and more cities
The urbanization or movement of rural people to the nations cities have effected egypts economy recently.
dEveloping the periphery through improving transportation
Cities along the Mississippi River could send ships to trade with other countries.
Complex calenders with incredible accuracy
They were independent cities with authority over nearby regions.
The south has an economy based on plantation farming.
The south has an economy based on plantation farming.
More people were moving into cities in the North than in the South.
A: they are the most common type of map B: they will show capital cities, major cities, and large lakes or rivers D: they may show how areas are broken into countries and states
They are big and populated
One of the first and most technologically advanced cities that emerged was in ancient Mesopotamia. The city was called Babylon which is located in present day Iraq.
top 5 cities for economy
SWAG. Larger cities and a lack of a plantation system made a factory based economy more feasible in these parts of the U.S.
"The Other America" by Michael Harrington describes the poverty of inner cities.
Skid Rows was the name of the homes camps that emerged around major cities in World War II. The government was scrambling to put programs in place to help the displaced Americans.