Govt measures inflation status by using economic policy instrument, fiscal and monetary policy directed toward market structure and the level of unemployment rate in the economy, because inflation and unmployment are corrolated. Finaly Govt mesure unemployment through inflation and inflation through unemployment.
consumer price index
Measures of Economic Performance(1) Gross Domestic Product (GDP)(2) Trade Gap(3) Rate of Inflation(4) Productivity of Labor
REal GDP will increase , inflation will increase, and unemployment will decrease
Gross Domestic Product
Govt measures inflation status by using economic policy instrument, fiscal and monetary policy directed toward market structure and the level of unemployment rate in the economy, because inflation and unmployment are corrolated. Finaly Govt mesure unemployment through inflation and inflation through unemployment.
consumer price index
Measures of Economic Performance(1) Gross Domestic Product (GDP)(2) Trade Gap(3) Rate of Inflation(4) Productivity of Labor
REal GDP will increase , inflation will increase, and unemployment will decrease
Gross Domestic Product
human development index
The Consumer Price Index (CPI) basically measures inflation. The CPI takes a basket of goods and sees how much each of those goods costs. A change in the price of this basket of goods produces a change in the CPI. The CPI is representative of the prices of all goods in the economy for the United States and measures the changes in these prices over time.
CPI is the indicator of inflation in any country.If CPI is high it means inflation is high.
Retail sales: Growth Growth Domestic Product: Activity Consumer Price Index: Inflation Unemployment Rate: Inactivity
The unemployment rate is one indicator that measures inactivity rather than activity.