1918 saw the average raise rise to $875 per year. The average house cost $6,715 and the average car cost $360. Although it is difficult to find the price of a pint of milk, a gallon of milk cost around 55 cents in 1918.
In the year 1916, the price of milk was $0. 09 a quart. Therefore, milk would have been about $0. 36 a gallon.
people eat cereal for breafast now and milk is at an average price so it will not change in price at all:)
Depended on where you lived. In the U.S. it was around .10 cents per loaf.
56 cents
The duration of The Price of Milk is 1.5 hours.
The Price of Milk was created on 2000-09-13.
Gene Price was born in 1944.
The Price of Rendova was created in 1944.
what was the cost of milk in 1996
The price of organic milk varies. But the average is about $3.50 a quart.
The average price for milk in 1980 was $1.60. The average price of milk throughout the eighties was about $1.78.
does any one now the price of onon-organic milk
In 2004, the average price for a gallon of milk was $2.88 but in 2014, the average price for a gallon of milk is $3.55.
milk was a hundred pasos
In the year 1916, the price of milk was $0. 09 a quart. Therefore, milk would have been about $0. 36 a gallon.