Communism is the political system that called for government control of the economy.
State capitalism. Though I doubt if complete control is possible.
The command economy is the economic system that is associated with authoritarian governments and total control of the economy. The government imposes strict control of the production activities, pricing and exports.
The US has a Mixed Economy. This means that the system is a mix of a Free/ Market Economy (no government interference) and a Centrally Planned Economy (controlled by government). In our system, the government, therefore, can affect and regulate the economy, but cannot control it.
State capitalism. Not Communism, which has no government and no wages system.
Communist systems are typically ones in which the government has almost total control over the economy. Socialistic systems exert some governmental control. Pretty much every economy in the world is somewhat socialistic, however.
Communism is the political system that called for government control of the economy.
Communism is the political system that called for government control of the economy.
State capitalism. Though I doubt if complete control is possible.
The command economy is the economic system that is associated with authoritarian governments and total control of the economy. The government imposes strict control of the production activities, pricing and exports.
The government has absolute control over all aspects of society including the economy, education, and families.
a political system in which the government exer4cises complete control over its citizens' lives`
A command economy, such as communism or socialism, is a political system where the government controls the production of all food and goods. This system aims to centrally plan and coordinate economic activities to achieve specific objectives.
is the political system in which citizen participate directly indecision making
The US has a Mixed Economy. This means that the system is a mix of a Free/ Market Economy (no government interference) and a Centrally Planned Economy (controlled by government). In our system, the government, therefore, can affect and regulate the economy, but cannot control it.
State capitalism. Not Communism, which has no government and no wages system.
Socialism is an economic system characterized by social ownership or control of the means of production and cooperative management of the economy, and a political philosophy advocating such a system.
Communist systems are typically ones in which the government has almost total control over the economy. Socialistic systems exert some governmental control. Pretty much every economy in the world is somewhat socialistic, however.