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Structural functionalism is a macro level perspective (tries to explain large scale social phenomenon) that believes society is an organized, harmonious bundle of social institutions. The institutions such as educational, religious, economic, etc. all function together. The natural state of society is one of harmony. Everything is society has a function (hence the name functionalism). Since it thinks everything has a function, it justifies the status quo (the existing society) and is conservative.

S-F would argue that poverty would not exist in society if it did not serve a function. Poverty employs a lot of people (social workers, non-profit organizations like thesalvation army, united way, medicaid, etc., politicians who focus on policies relating to the poor). This is your strongest answer.

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Q: What is the structural-functionalist view on poverty?
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Answer 31/05/2009 This is not a text from the Bible, but from an address given by the late Pope John Paul II concerning poverty, on one of the occasions he visited Africa. The full quote is below: "The poor should not be ashamed of their poverty, nor disdain the charity of the rich, for they should have especially in view the Redeemer, who, though he might have been born in riches, made Himself poor that he might ennoble poverty and enrich it with incomparable merits for heaven" Related link:

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Is prostitution the best remedy for poverty reduction?

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