what is the price of loaf of bread in 1998
It depends on the kind of bread, but your average white toast in a bag is about $1.59 per loaf.
About $.22
Average price of a large white sliced loaf was 51p.
The average price of a loaf of bread was about $.99
what is the price of loaf of bread in 1998
The current average of a price of bread as of January 2009 is about $2.79.
the average gas price in 2002 was $1.25.
The average price of bread in 2014 is $1.15. Some bread may be higher or lower depending on the brand and store.
the price of a loaf of bread? $1.00
it was estimated to be around 1.99The price of bread in 1996 was about $1.23. There were different types of bread which were sold at varied prices but that was the average price.
The Bread Back Then Was Mostly 3c
The average price of a gallon of regular unleaded gasoline in 2002 was $1.36
The average price of a loaf of white bread in 2003 was 1 dollar. The price for a gallon of milk was 1.15 and a dozen eggs 1.74.
It depends on the kind of bread, but your average white toast in a bag is about $1.59 per loaf.
In 1967 milk was $1.15 and the average price for a loaf of bread was $0.22