There is no such English word.
The word "entrepreneur" is derived from the old French word "entreprendre," which means to undertake. The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fourth Edition, defines entrepreneur as "a person who organizes, operates, and assumes the risk for a business venture."
In short, the origin of the word is this: Middle English quilte mattress, quilt, from Anglo-French coilte,from Latin culcita mattress.
Nothing! The words convey no intelligible English meaning, the word "Situation" seems particularly out of place with the rest of the phrase!
The phrase 'take advantage' means to 'receive benefit from one's mistake's.' The French equivalent of the English phrase would be the word 'profiter.'
mehangai is called 'price rise' or 'inflation' in english.
The shortest English word is 'a'.
English word for sapot: web
The English word for the French word "voyelle" is vowel.
is a English word
"it" already is an English word.
Aria is the Kikuyu word for the English word them.
Shokia is the Kikuyu word for the English word answer.
Mugate is the Kikuyu word for the English word bread.
"Palabra" is the Spanish word for "Word".
The English word for Tamil word "kusu" is "garbage" or "rubbish."
The Kikuyu word for the English word grandmother is "bibi."