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Belly inflation is where one uses some pump mechanism to force air or water into his/her intestines. The pressure causes the intestines (and a little bit of the stomach, although this is not the major contribution) to blow up, much like those circus balloons, and therefore push out the person's belly area. It is physically impossible to inflate any other part of one's body using this method, and it is equally impossible to use one's belly button to inflate.

The dangers of doing this include the rupture of one's intestines, whether from too much pressure or being pierced by the tube one is using. I also believe that there is no danger from air getting inside one's blood-stream, since the intestines are separated from the veins, but I may be wrong.----------------------Air gets in your intestines all the time, you'll just fart it out, it won't leak into your bloodstream

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Q: What is belly inflation?
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Is belly inflation wrong?

if it's not hurting you or anyone around you, then no, it's not

Dose belly inflation make you fart?

Yes it sure does slapping cheecks result

Has anyone burst by belly inflation?

Yes, a man in the united states put a tire inflation hose up his bum and started the machine, he popped and died from it

Can you float from helium belly inflation?

No. Helium can lift light objects, but not living human bodies.

Is belly inflation dangerous?

If you try to go for the 9 month pregnant look on your first try, yes it is

Do water belly inflations go away?

yes, it will all gush out of your body soon after the inflation

Why your belly does not get bigger from inflation?

Inflation typically refers to the increase in price levels of goods and services in an economy, not physical expansion of objects. Your belly does not get physically bigger from inflation because they are two separate phenomena that do not directly relate to each other.

Can i inflate my belly with a balloon?

It is not recommended to inhale air from a balloon to inflate your belly as it can be dangerous and lead to choking or suffocation. It is important to use safe and appropriate methods for any inflation-related activities.

Belly inflation tools?

I don’t think you should do this but stick a hose up your A** and activate the hose.

Can belly inflation hurt you?

if your stupid and careless, yes. just stop if you feel pain and youll fart it out

Is drinking water a good means for belly inflation?

Are you trying to pull off a fake pregnancy?? Why else would you want to "inflate" your belly?? Most people are trying to deflate theirs?! yes

Is air belly inflation safe?

Oh, dude, is air belly inflation safe? Well, technically, air belly inflation can be risky because it can lead to serious health issues like air embolisms or damage to internal organs. So, like, maybe stick to regular old breathing for now, yeah?