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Rhodium and platinum are both more valuable than gold.

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Q: What element is more valuable than gold?
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What makes one type of gold more valuable than another?

Gold is more valuable than silver. durr.

Are diamonds more valuable than golds?

Yes, by weight, diamonds are more valuable than gold.

Which results in a more vaulable product - adding or subtracting protons from gold nuclei?

If you subtract one proton, you get platinum. If you add one proton, you get mercury. Platinum is considerably more valuable than mercury. If you add or subtract more than one, all bets are off. If you add enough, you get a transuranic element, which are much more valuable than gold.

Is platinium more valuable than gold?

yes platinium is much more expensive than gold

Why is gold more valuable than dirt?

Gold is considered more valuable than dirt due to its rarity, durability, and aesthetic appeal. Gold has been treasured throughout history for its beauty, scarcity, and usefulness in various applications such as jewelry and electronics. In contrast, dirt is a common and abundant resource with limited economic value.

Why is diamond more valuable than gold?

Because there is less of them than gold and they are harder to mine.

What made silver more valuable than gold?

The Gold Rush of 1849

Is there a metal more valuable than gold?

Yes, there are several metals that are more valuable than gold, such as platinum, rhodium, and palladium. These metals are rarer and have unique properties that make them highly sought after for various industrial and technological applications.

What element was originally thrown away as a fool's silver but is now considered more valuable than gold?

Aluminum was originally regarded as a worthless metal and called "fool's silver". However, advancements in extraction processes in the 19th century made it more valuable than gold due to its versatile uses in various industries.

What is a metal more valuable than gold and silver?


Why isn't copper as valuable as gold?

Copper is much more common than gold.

Is linen worth more than gold?

Linen is worth more than gold to a lot of people. Others would argue that gold is far more valuable.