A lull in fighting between countries and by the decline of famine and the plague.
During times of economic prosperity, some nations borrowed more money than they can pay back now in times of economic hardship.
During times of economic prosperity, some nations borrowed more money than they can pay back now in times of economic hardship.
World War 2 caused sustained economic growth.
Crusades caused by the Christians have actually increased Europe's economical activity. The reason is because the Pope has ordered all Christian men to join the army, and told them to raise money for the great Crusades. So, the economic status of the cities grew, and thus, resulted in economic boom. (In destroyed towns and cities however, economic trend dropped, due to obvious reasons like being destroyed)
Many Americans purchased goods on credit.
economic prosperity.
Prosperity caused by trade.
During times of economic prosperity, some nations borrowed more money than they can pay back now in times of economic hardship.
During times of economic prosperity, some nations borrowed more money than they can pay back now in times of economic hardship.
It killed about 1/3 of the population It caused a massive economic turndown
Fewer indentured servants arrived as conditions in Europe improved.
Fewer indentured servants arrived as conditions in Europe improved.
Well , i don t think so that there are some ! But It totally changed economic of Europe
Treaty that ended the war and economic depression.
Fewer indentured servants arrived as conditions in Europe improved.
Fewer indentured servants arrived as conditions in Europe improved.