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Nuclear waste.

Consumable Energy.


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Q: What can nuclear energy become?
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How did solar energy develop as a source of energy?

it become heat and radiate like a nuclear plant produce alot of of energy while your at it

What happened before the 1950s that would become instrumental in the development of nuclear energy in the future?

The atom was split successfully in early 1940s. In 1945, nuclear bombs were dropped on Japan and thereafter nuclear energy began being used for local energy.

What is the most strongest and contorlable energy?

Nuclear energy. Me-No no no I meant like non-liquid but liquid and solid and when it can become a beam.

What happens when energy is sucked out of something?

Depends on what energy you are "sucking". If you suck out potential energy, your something will be closer to the center of gravity in the area. If you suck out heat energy, it will become colder. If you suck out matter-energy(nuclear energy) your something will become iron. If you suck out life-energy, you will become depressed or a vampire.

Is fusion nuclear energy or chemical energy?

Nuclear fusion produces nuclear energy

Is nuclear energy a chemical energy?

The energy released is nuclear energy.

Is fission nuclear energy chemical energy or mechanical energy?

Nuclear fission is a type of nuclear reaction that converts nuclear energy into thermal energy (heat), which can then be used to generate mechanical energy (such as electricity). So, fission nuclear energy originates as nuclear energy and can be converted into mechanical energy.

What energy is the energy that is stored in an atoms nucleus?

The energy stored in an atom's nucleus is nuclear energy. This energy is released through processes like nuclear fusion or fission, which involve manipulating the nucleus of an atom to release large amounts of energy.

Can nuclear energy work with other forms of energy?

Nuclear energy is converted to electrical energy in a nuclear power plant.

Are there any uses of nuclear energy?

Are there any uses of Nuclear Energy? Are there any uses of Nuclear Energy?

Is a nuclear fission a chemical energy?

The energy released is nuclear energy.

What type of energy does nuclear have?

That is called nuclear energy.