the top 3 swine producing statesin the U.S are (first:) Iowa, (second:) North Carolina (third:) Minnesota. Iowa marketed (1,000:)22,223 North Carolina marketed (1,000:)13,295 Minnesota marketed (1,000:)9,201
In 2009 the the top producers were Washington, Oregon, and Idaho, distantly followed by Indiana and California.
The United States can focus on producing goods than it can make more efficiently than other countries.
Services are easier to provide in today's economy because of the technology given to us.
Top 5 producer states of soybeans
the top 15 coal pruducing stats in the us
the top 15 coal pruducing stats in the us
The top peanut producing states in the US are Georgia, Texas, and Alabama. These states have favorable climate conditions for peanut cultivation and have robust agricultural industries.
California, wisconsin, and idaho
The top state in the U.S. for producing rice is the state of Arkansas. The second largest producer of this crop is California.
Texas is the top natural gas producing state, at least in the year 2007
kansas, North Dakota, Montana
Oregon, Washington, Maine in that order.
the top are alaska, oklahoma, california, texas, and Louisiana. not necessarily in that order.
Iowa, Illinois, Nebraska