Maintaining the right amount of taxation is a very tricky thing to do in order to keep the economy stable. This is because if the taxes are too high, the government is well funded, but its people don't have much money to spend to increase business, and thus less money is taken from each individual and business. On the other hand, if you tax too little, the government gets very little money from all the business that's going on in the country. The lower the taxes, the more industry that usually goes on, but also, less funding for government agencies and programs. Thus too little, no money, too much, no money. It is thus a very difficult balancing act.
pros and cons about mercantilist and physiocrats
Pros: state and private ownership maximizes social welfare competition to obtain products Cons: Taxes harmful products being made
The pros and cons of leadership depend on the principle used. The pros of transactional leadership included motivating people through rewards. The con of this approach is that it doesn't promote initiative and creativity.
Nuclear energy ! pros- causes almost no green house gasses, & pollution. cons-can cause melt downs.
pros: mcdonald's cons: Doughnut
I dont know
No taxes shittty jobs
Cons... The type of government there is federal republic which is worse then UK or aussie. It suffers of poverty Pros... nice place to get a tan and yeah...
the cons would be you pay more taxes,could have money inflation, may have a bad ruler the pros will be: taxes would pay off education,health care,social programs
what were the pros and cons for the nulification
pros an cons of the Oregon trail
A big con might be that dwarf species have physiological problems in general.
pros are + and cons are-
pros: goodness cons: badness
PROS CONS ----------------------------------------------------- Pros: Entertaining Cons: Mental conditions can be caused, Adicition, Expensive.
Cons? What Cons?