personal code of behavior.
companies policy.
ethical standards imposed on managers.
ethical climate of the country
there are different types of affects they are
1.unhealthy competion
2.obnormal profit motive
3.political interference
4.political uncertinity
5.unjust ligislation
7.lack of ethical attitude
8.lack of education
9.lack of cooperation on workers tepism
The global factors affecting business are the issues that will influence the way business runs from one country to another. Some of the main factors are political, legal, social as well as technological developments.
Natural disasters
few factors of competitor assumptions
technological factors,economic factors and social cultural factor
There are many different factors that affect business policy. These different factors range from shareholders to the dividend policy of a certain business.
The global factors affecting business are the issues that will influence the way business runs from one country to another. Some of the main factors are political, legal, social as well as technological developments.
Natural disasters
few factors of competitor assumptions
Ethics, communication, and timing.
technological factors,economic factors and social cultural factor
There are many different factors that affect business policy. These different factors range from shareholders to the dividend policy of a certain business.
Tora chudi
Factors which affect the organization's mission and objectives are: Corporate Governance. business ethics. stakeholders. cultural context.
what are the factor of demography in Nigeria business environment
Business Strategies and Employee engagement