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what are threats of new entrants

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Q: What are the entry barriers that act as a potiential threat to new entrants in the market?
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What determines the level of competitive intensity in an industry according to Porter?

Threat of new entrants -Rivalry among existing firms -Threat of substitute products or services -Bargaining power of buyers -Bargaining power of suppliers -Relative power of other stakeholders

New entrants raise the level of competition in an industry. How can this be checked?

Defining an industryAn industry is a group of firms that market products which are close substitutes for each other (e.g. the car industry, the travel industry).Some industries are more profitable than others. Why? The answer lies in understanding the dynamics of competitive structure in an industry.The most influential analytical model for assessing the nature of competition in an industry is Michael Porter's Five Forces Model, which is described below:Porter explains that there are five forces that determine industry attractiveness and long-run industry profitability. These five "competitive forces" are- The threat of entry of new competitors (new entrants)- The threat of substitutes- The bargaining power of buyers- The bargaining power of suppliers- The degree of rivalry between existing competitorsThreat of New EntrantsNew entrants to an industry can raise the level of competition, thereby reducing its attractiveness. The threat of new entrants largely depends on the barriers to entry. High entry barriers exist in some industries (e.g. shipbuilding) whereas other industries are very easy to enter (e.g. estate agency, restaurants). Key barriers to entry include- Economies of scale- Capital / investment requirements- Customer switching costs- Access to industry distribution channels- The likelihood of retaliation from existing industry players.Threat of SubstitutesThe presence of substitute products can lower industry attractiveness and profitability because they limit price levels. The threat of substitute products depends on:- Buyers' willingness to substitute- The relative price and performance of substitutes- The costs of switching to substitutesBargaining Power of SuppliersSuppliers are the businesses that supply materials & other products into the industry.The cost of items bought from suppliers (e.g. raw materials, components) can have a significant impact on a company's profitability. If suppliers have high bargaining power over a company, then in theory the company's industry is less attractive. The bargaining power of suppliers will be high when:- There are many buyers and few dominant suppliers- There are undifferentiated, highly valued products- Suppliers threaten to integrate forward into the industry (e.g. brand manufacturers threatening to set up their own retail outlets)- Buyers do not threaten to integrate backwards into supply- The industry is not a key customer group to the suppliersBargaining Power of BuyersBuyers are the people / organisations who create demand in an industryThe bargaining power of buyers is greater when- There are few dominant buyers and many sellers in the industry- Products are standardised- Buyers threaten to integrate backward into the industry- Suppliers do not threaten to integrate forward into the buyer's industry- The industry is not a key supplying group for buyersIntensity of RivalryThe intensity of rivalry between competitors in an industry will depend on:- The structure of competition - for example, rivalry is more intense where there are many small or equally sized competitors; rivalry is less when an industry has a clear market leader- The structure of industry costs - for example, industries with high fixed costs encourage competitors to fill unused capacity by price cutting- Degree of differentiation - industries where products are commodities (e.g. steel, coal) have greater rivalry; industries where competitors can differentiate their products have less rivalry- Switching costs - rivalry is reduced where buyers have high switching costs - i.e. there is a significant cost associated with the decision to buy a product from an alternative supplier- Strategic objectives - when competitors are pursuing aggressive growth strategies, rivalry is more intense. Where competitors are "milking" profits in a mature industry, the degree of rivalry is less- Exit barriers - when barriers to leaving an industry are high (e.g. the cost of closing down factories) - then competitors tend to exhibit greater rivalry.

Explain swot analysis uses in strategies analysis?

Very simple: SWOT = Strength, Weakness, Opportunity, Threat FIRST: List your Strength List your Weakness List the Opportunity you see in the market List the Threat you see in the market SECOND: Answer the following question, in any fashion. (1) Is your STRENGTH good enough to overcome the THREAT you see and/or capitalize the OPPORTUNITY you see> (2) Is your WEAKNESS bad enough to have you die from the THREAT or miss an OPPORTUNITY? (3) To tackle the new OPPORTUNITY, what other STRENGTH/WEAKNESS had to be added or eliminated (4) To mitigate the risk of the new THREAT, what STRENGTH/WEAKNESS had to be added or eliminated Never forget the second step. Most people tends to only do the first, whereas it is actually the second one that's matter in a SWOT analysis.

What are the barriers to entry in the soft drink industry?

The barriers to entry are high, and therefore the threat of entry is categorized as a high risk in the industry.The value -chain activity of the soft drinks journey to the customer is centred on four functions: Production, marketing, packaging and distribution. new entrants need to excel in all areas if they are to survive in this global village. The capital requirements within this industry are very high. Production, distribution and advertising are a must to compete with the industry leaders like Coca Cola and Pepsi Co. the incumbent will face a dilemma; come in at large scale and risk strong reaction from existing firms or come in at a small scale and accept a cost disadvantage thus there will be failed economies of scale. This is a high barrier because there is a need to invest large financial resources in order to compete. Capital is necessary for inventories, credit, and absorbing start-up/production losses.then there is brand loyalty and shelf space allocation by distributors

How do the Five Forces of Competition in an industry affect its profit potential?

The five forces of competition (the threat of new entrants, the bargaining power of suppliers, the bargaining power of buyers, the threat of substitute products, and the rivalry among competing firms) jointly determine the profitability of an industry due to the way they shape the prices which can be charged, the costs which can be borne, and the investment require to compete within the industry. Leadership will use the five forces framework to determine the competitive structure of an industry. The risk of entry by competitors increases the industry's capacity, starts a greater competition for market share, and generally lowers current pricing. Extreme rivalry among competing firms poses a strong threat to profitability to all firms within the industry. The bargaining power of buyers can reduce the profits within an industry by lower the prices and increasing the costs due to purchasing power (large quantity purchasers can drive down prices at a firm -- or the firm risks losing these large quantity sales to a competitor). On the other side of buyers, the bargaining power of suppliers can reduce a firm's profitability by increasing costs to the firm (or firms if the supplier provides multiple firms within an industry). Lastly, the threat of substitute products is a real threat to profits in that a large number of close substitutes for any product greatly increases competition in pricing and in turn drives profits down. Cheers! Mike H.

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What are CDW threat of new entrants?

The?æCDW threat of new entrants refers to new firms that enter the market with the purpose of gaining profit in a specific industry. This happens when there are highly profitable markets which are giving good yields. This type of markets attract new companies.

Factors to consider when determining industry attractiveness?

The barriers of entry, the value the industry can provide for customers, capital requirement, exit barriers. All this can be determined using Porter's Five Force Model, which looks at competitor (Rivalry), threat of new entrants, supplier power, buyer power, and threat of substitute products.

What is the threat of entry of HF?

1. Denmark-MediumEntry barriers: Denmark is an EU member, which means that all product from EU countries can enter the Denmark market. Products from foreign countries can also enter the Denmark market if they meet the EU standard.As our sourcing country is Spain, other EU companies can also easily enter the Denmark company.Reaction of current companies: As described before, fresh strawberry is a common and standard product, the reaction of existing companies on new entrants are very limited.Norway-LowEntry barriers:Norway has its own policy about import. However, the reason that Norway refused to become a EU member is that becoming a EU member may have very significant influence on its own agricultural industry. It is possible for the Norway government to set special restriction on import in future.Reaction of current companies: As described before, fresh strawberry is a common and standard product, the reaction of existing companies on new entrants are also very limited.2. Threat of New EntrantsSweden: There is no existing company dominant the mango market in Sweden.- Entre barrier: Sweden is a EU member. The legislation of Sweden is same as the requirement of EU for importing.- Exit cost: Sweden is a EU member. The trade company has small lost for exiting Swedish market and turn to another market in EU.The threat of new entrants is low.Belgium: There are already several company in this market for importing mangos.- Entre barrier: Sweden is a EU member. The legislation of Sweden is same as the requirement of EU for importing.- Exit cost: Sweden is a EU member. The trade company has small lost for exiting Swedish market and turn to another market in EU.The threat of new entrants is medium.

What are threats face by new entrants willing to open a dry cleaning services?

One threat to new entrants in the dry cleaning business is the ability to make a profit. They have to get their name out their so that consumers will know they exist.

What are threats of new entrants?

A new entrant represents firms and individual coming into a market with products and services potentially disruptive to the current system. This presents a threat to the business model and products of present, or legacy firms. However, what is a threat to the legacy firms represents a gain to the options and buying power made available to the consumer.

Porters five force model of Indian hotel industry?

- threat of new entrants - jockeying for position - bargaining power of suppliers - bargaining power of buyers - threat of substitute products

What Potter five force?

Poter five forces model is used for assessing and analysing the competitive strength and position of a corporation or business organization. the five forces are: # Existing competitive rivalry between suppliers # Threat of new market entrants # Bargaining power of buyers # Power of suppliers # Threat of substitute products (including technology change)

Walt Disney's threat of New Entrants?

Is the film and video industry and internet services for instance, CBS Corp, News Corp and Time Warner

What determines the level of competitive intensity in an industry according to Porter?

Threat of new entrants -Rivalry among existing firms -Threat of substitute products or services -Bargaining power of buyers -Bargaining power of suppliers -Relative power of other stakeholders

What are Air Asia 5 forces analysis?

The 5 forces analysis of Air Asia is : Rivalry amongst existing competitors is high, Threat of substitutes is moderate, Power of buyer is high, Power pf supplier is moderate,Threat of entrants is high.

How to apply Porter's five forces to university?

· Rick of Entry by Potential Competitors.· The threat of new entrants is usually based on the market entry barriers .the threat is low in this point because when the companies want to enter the education sector they need more time to do the Economies of scale and Brand loyalty. The government regulations one of the most barriers that prevent the companies enter the education sector. This makes to me good opportunity to earn more profit.· Existing competitors.· The existing competitors make a big threat because the universities are interdependent so each university affects the other.· Bargaining Power of Buyers.· The threat of buyers is low because the switching costs for the students are low and the students can't threaten to enter as a competitor and the buyers are not dominant.· Bargaining Power of Suppliers.· The threat in this point is very high because the suppler knows that I can't threaten to enter the suppliers industry and some time I can't find the substitutes or I can find few substitutes. The switching costs from the suppliers are significant.· Substitute Products.· The threat is low because I can find many substitutes for many products and this make me have more opportunity to gain more profits.

What was the single biggest threat to the puritan social order?

the market economy was the single biggest threat