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They are unrelated to each other, Democracy is a form of government which is chosen by the people, Capitalism is the form of society which says that everybody earns for what he works for, Socialism is the point of view which says that the government meddles with the income and living of the people (ex: unemployed people who get a job from the government),also Captalism is why Americas great and socialisism is the first step to communism and then comes fachism(prbly spelt it wrong) hpope i helped

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Q: What are the differences between democracy capitalism and socialism?
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What conflicts might arise between sorters of capitalism and socialism?

what do you mean by sorters

What are the similarities between socialism and capitalism?

Socialism and communism are similar in the way they are supposed to work - all power being shared equally - and capitalism is similar to socialism in that everybody should ideally get out what they put in proportionally, but communism and capitalism are the exact opposites.

List two differences between the capitalist and socialist ideas of private property?

Capitalism and socialism both respect private property. Communism is a form of socialism where all 'means of production' are publicly owned--that is factories, farms, mines, etc. But socialism itself respects property rights. Capitalism, when it runs amuck as it has in the US, tends to see property rights as being above human rights or civil rights. Because the rues are dictated by the property-rich. But putting property above people is not inherent in capitalism, usually.

What is the difference between welfarism and socialism?

Socialism is a classless stateless society based on production for use, with no money or rulers. Welfarism means capitalism with a welfare state, intended to remove some of the worst features of a society based on inequality and exploitation.

What are the similarities in Mercantilism--Laissez-Faire--Capitalism--Democratic Socialism--Socialism and Welfare Capitalism?

Mercantilism was in some sense an early form of capitalism, though there was considerable state control over foreign trade and there were usually, along with this, very high tariffs. Laissez-faire refers to more traditional ideas of how capitalism should operate, little to no state interference, no monopolies, etc. "Welfare capitalism" is a term that is sometimes used to refer to capitalist countries that have strong social welfare programs and do make some limited attempts to combat homelessness and extreme poverty. Examples of this today would be Sweden and Norway. What these all have in common is that they are all basically capitalist, laissez-faire and welfare capitalism are essentially the same economically for the most part but have some starkly different social policies. Mercantilism does not have a great deal in common with them. Democratic socialism is a term that can refer to two different things. It can sometimes be used as a synonym for social-democracy, or it can be used as a term to distinguish oneself from what people typically associate with what they think is communism. Socialism refers to any political and economic philosophy or system that is not capitalist and emphasises community control over politics and the social ownership of the means of production. There is no difference between this and the second description of what "democratic socialism" means. The first (synonym for social-democracy) description however, has little in common with socialism, it is essentially capitalist and has much in common with welfare capitalism.

Related questions

What would be considered a compromise between capitalism and socialism?

There can be no such compromise, as Socialism and capitalism are completely distinct systems. Socialism means a classless stateless society based on production for use, while capitalism has a class division and production for profit.

How does socialism provide a compromise between capitalism and communism?

Socialism is not a compromise between capitalism and communism, it is a distinct economic system and mode of production. A "mixed economy" is often cited as being a compromise between socialism and capitalism, but in practice most mixed economies are interventionist capitalist economies.

What are the differences between socialism and capitalism?

They are unrelated to each other, Democracy is a form of government which is chosen by the people, Capitalism is the form of society which says that everybody earns for what he works for, Socialism is the point of view which says that the government meddles with the income and living of the people (ex: unemployed people who get a job from the government),also Captalism is why Americas great and socialisism is the first step to communism and then comes fachism(prbly spelt it wrong) hpope i helped what id said is true

What conflicts might arise between sorters of capitalism and socialism?

what do you mean by sorters

Why has communism remained in china?

It really hasn't... their economy has evolved into some sort of mix between Socialism and Capitalism, but not in the Social Democracy manner... what has remained is a totalitarian dictatorship.

What is the relationship between democracy and socialism?

You can have a socialist democracy. A democracy makes decisions based on instructions from voters and socialism intends to take the production of industry and hand it out to people with equality in mind.

What are the similarities between socialism and capitalism?

Socialism and communism are similar in the way they are supposed to work - all power being shared equally - and capitalism is similar to socialism in that everybody should ideally get out what they put in proportionally, but communism and capitalism are the exact opposites.

What mostly privately-owned economy falls between laissez-faire capitalism and a mixed system?

i think its socialism> XO<---------WRONG!!!!! Monopoly Capitalism <------- Correct :)

List two differences between the capitalist and socialist ideas of private property?

Capitalism and socialism both respect private property. Communism is a form of socialism where all 'means of production' are publicly owned--that is factories, farms, mines, etc. But socialism itself respects property rights. Capitalism, when it runs amuck as it has in the US, tends to see property rights as being above human rights or civil rights. Because the rues are dictated by the property-rich. But putting property above people is not inherent in capitalism, usually.

What is the difference between welfarism and socialism?

Socialism is a classless stateless society based on production for use, with no money or rulers. Welfarism means capitalism with a welfare state, intended to remove some of the worst features of a society based on inequality and exploitation.

What philosopher described socialism as a transitional stage between capitalism and communism?

Marx did not see Socialism as a transitional stage to Communism. In one text he distinguished two stages of Communism, but he did not label the first stage as Socialism.

Are capitalism and socialism opposites?

Typically they are considered to be opposites, even though there are many similarities. These are some common distinctions between the two: 1) Socialism is based on Social ownership of the means of production; Capitalism is based on Private ownership of the means of production. 2) Management in socialism is based on collective-decision making and self-management; Management in capitalist firms is based on hierarchical decision-making. 3) Socialism is based on "Production for use"; capitalism is based on "Production for profit". This means that the surplus product generated is used to benefit everyone in socialism, whereas in capitalism it becomes the profit for a few private owners. 4) Socialism is generally based on economic planning; while capitalism is based on a market economy. This is not always true; there are many forms of market socialism, and most of the existing capitalist economies are actually "mixed economies".