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Here is a couple of links to the best known details out there. I have been looking into this since I first heard about it, but there isn't much information available. Here is everything I have found:

The above link gives a breakdown of some of the details, without getting too specific.

This link gives some specifics on who may get the checks and how much may be coming. The article does have some talk on whether or not it is a good thing, but I am posting it based on the information about who may be getting checks (this package is still up in the air).

This is about the most I have found. Hope this helps! :)


From the questions I've seen there appears to be some misconception that one was approved. It hasn't. It wasn't even discussed very much. It won't likely happen again.

The one wasn't terribly sucessful, no economic package has been considered for one...the political scene is changing, it takes longer than that for the government to even come up with the process to do NO.


Unfortunately, nobody truly knows yet (sorry!).

I've written a post explaining the latest developments, which I will update frequently, and suspected uses of the second stimulus package proposed by Obama:

Supposedly there may be "an emergency rebate check" but it's unclear as of yet.

-Patrick Bateman from

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Q: What are the details of the 2008 US economic stimulus package?
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Related questions

Will nonresidents benefit from the economic stimulus package?

Not directly. Section 6428(e)(3)(A) of the Recovery Rebates and Economic Stimulus for the American People Act (H.R. 5140) signed by the president on February 13, 2008, specifically says nonresident aliens are not eligible to receive the economic stimulus payments.

Is the 2008 dec stimulus package approved?


Do anybody receive a stimulus package from Obama?

First, a stimulus package is not a gift, like you would receive in the mail. It refers to financial assistance given by a president and a congress to help ("stimulate") the economy in a difficult time. Many presidents have done this. President Obama's stimulus package resulted in saving thousands of American jobs. And although some people believe it should have been bigger (and his political opponents claim it did not help at all), most economic experts from both parties agree that it did help to turn the economy around. I enclose a link that debunks the claim that the stimulus did not help anyone.

Does the stimulus package just signed provide rebates to individual tax payers like the 2008 rebates?

No. No. NO.

Will the stimulus apply to 2008 if you didn't file for 2007?

The IRS referred to 2007 tax returns for determining eligibility and the amount of 2008 economic stimulus payments. Eligible individuals were given an extended deadline of October 15, 2008, in which to file their 2007 returns in order to receive 2008 economic stimulus payments. The Recovery Rebate Credit for 2008 tax returns is for people who didn't receive the full economic stimulus payment ($600.00 per taxpayer, $1,200.00 Married Filing Jointly) but who might be eligible now for some or all of the unpaid portion. But if you didn't file a 2007 tax return by October 15, 2008, then you're not eligible for the Recovery Rebate Credit for 2008 tax returns. Recovery Rebate Credits won't be mailed as separate checks, as the 2008 economic stimulus payments were. They'll be added into taxpayers' refunds.

When are wa getting a stimulus check in 2010?

Nothing is available at this time for the year 2010. The checks that were received in the year 2009 were called Economic Recovery Payment check. The economic stimulus check was received in the year 2008.

Is there any more stimulus money for the people who got the bush 7500 stimulus package?

You got $7500? You must have a lot of kids. If anything happened in 2008 that would increase your amount of your previous rebate (for example, you had another child), you can get another credit on your 2008 tax return. People collecting Social Security will receive an extra payment (details have not been worked out yet).

When will the tax rebates arrive from the stimulus package from tax filed in 2008?

You already should have received it, actually a long time ago. Contact the IRS at to find out about yours.

When was A Stimulus for Reason created?

A Stimulus for Reason was created on 2008-03-25.

In an effort to create stability in the financial markets with the housing and mortgage downturn in 2007 the Federal Reserve System?

In an effort to create stability in the financial markets with the housing and mortgage downturn in 2007 the Federal Reserve System - Has introduced a stimulus package worth $700 billion called the Emergency Economic Stabilization act of 2008

Will you get a tax stimulus for 2008 taxes?


If one is self employed and had no income in 2007 can they still get the 2008 tax refund?

To receive the economic stimulus payment, you must have at least $3,000 of gross income for 2007.