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Q: What are some of the characteristics of a country with a high level of development?
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What are some of the characteristics of country with a high level of development?

im not sure

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your a but

What is an advanced democracy?

An advanced democracy is a political system where citizens have a high degree of political freedom, government institutions are strong and transparent, the rule of law is well-established, and there are mechanisms in place to ensure accountability, participation, and representation of the people in decision-making processes. Advanced democracies typically have robust civil societies, independent media, and respect for human rights.

What are some types of the charcteristics of a country with a high level of development?

Support for disadvantaged citizens, high level of popular participation, support for the arts, domestic tranquility, reasoned political discourse.

What are the characteristics of high tech farming?

the characteristics of high-tech farming are high capital-(economy, investment), high labour, R&D(research&Development)

How do you say 'development' in Arabic?

It depends on whether the development is a current status or a continuing action.For example: This country has a high level of development. -- Current StatusThis country is pioneering industrial development. -- Continuing Action.The Current Status "development" is Tanmiya (تنمية)The Continuing Action "development" is Tatwir (تطوير)

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They are high elevated land that has a level expanse to it

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Six characteristics of buoyant economy

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High and rough because it has many different characteristics

What is a complex society with a high level of development in government and culture?

the river of peace

What are 10 characteristics of third world countries?

You don't say "third world" anymore. The current term is "Developing Country". Main characteristics involve: - High level of corruption in the government. - More than 6 social classes (high social stratification). - Less than US 500 monthly income per capita - Human development index below 6 on a scale of 1 to 10. - Alphabetism rate below 70% - Not free education - Poor sanitation

What is the past perfect tense for develop?

The past tense for develop is developed. An example of the word developed in a sentence could be, 'A developedcountry is a country that has a high level of development according to some criteria.'