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aids is deadly were a condom dont spread it get a test

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Q: What are examples of equality in the us economy?
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What are the six social goals of the US economy?

freedom , efficiency , equality , stability, security, and growth.

What type of economy does the US have and what are some examples?

the US has a democracy and its economy is free.

Some examples of social justice i like poo?

gender equality and race equality

What are three main economic activities iin the US give examples?

The US has a broad economy and has many industries that are essential to the nation. The three main elements within the US economy are defense industries, agriculture activities and high technology industries.

Socialists believe economic equality is only possblie if?

the public controls the economy.

Socialist believe economic equality is only possible if?

the public controls the economy

What is the definition of economic equality?

Economic equality refers to an economy in that all of the inhabitants are equally wealthy, and have the same status in the economy, because they have had the same opportunities, non discriminant on race, gender, skill, culture, or wealth condensation.

Does a planned economy provide equality of wealth?

That would depend completely on the kind of economy being planned. Some plans/ideas for economies, such as those of the Venus Project, do emphasise equality of wealth. Other planned economies, as seen with many communist systems historically, do not provide equality of wealth.

Is there equality in the US?

No and there never will be.

What are the major aims of a market economy?

Freedom, efficiency, equality, stability, security, growth.

Examples of a communist economy?


Give two examples of how stereotypes and labels can be created?

Equality and Diversity