An embargo is an official order from a government prohibiting certain actions; such as doing trade with a certain country.
Tariffs and embargos are trade restrictions.
Trade embargos and corruption are factors that could prevent a given market from becoming competitive. These factors usually lead to uneven playing ground as far as the competitiveness of a given market is concerned.
The EU has various taxes or embargos against everyone else so it probably a relationship of mild dislike. You would be better off looking at the diplomatic relationship between the individual countries of the EU and Bangladesh.
Some of the common causes of farmers economic problems included the rising cost of inputs such as seeds and fertilizers. Market side problems included those such as unfair competition from cheap imports and changes demand due to embargos.
Tariffs and embargos are trade restrictions.
Boycotts and embargos.
Tense and cold; due to the embargos.
Embargos & preparations for war.
Either a sanction, a boycott, an embargo or a ban - depending on the level of authority behind the refusal. States tend to impose sanctions, or embargos. Trade bodies - and trade unions - tend to impose embargos and bans Individuals tend to boycott something.
Japan's invasion into China; and the raw material embargos placed upon them because of it.
Exporting/importing embargos and other restrictions.
The US put embargos in place. Some of them were supported by the United Nations. The US continues to enforce an embargo on trade and goods to and from Cuba.
An incorrect statement about embargoes would be that they are always imposed for political reasons. Embargoes can also be placed for economic, humanitarian, or security reasons.
because they were attempting to avoid embargos imposed on them by other nations for oil, tin and rubber, mostly. They also wanted access to China's reserves of iron ore and coal.