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Q: What Leaders focus on instrumental concerns make decisions on their own and demand strict compliance from subordinates?
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Social orientation is focus more on maintaining good relationships with their subordinates and colleagues. Focus more on collective concerns and Interpersonal relationship is given the utmost importance.

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by the time u finish reading it u wont realize the the second the back there

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A person has the inherent right to choose their own attorney-in-fact and to choose their own executor in their will. You have no right to participate in those decisions unless the person is not legally capable of making such decisions. If that is the case then you need to bring your concerns to a judge.

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The policies--such as ones involving treatment of women or minorities, conflicts of interest, animal testing, environmental matters, or customer service--might be based on internal concerns, calls for social accountability, or laws and regulations.

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A party caucus functions as a subset of a party or legislative body to represent specific interests, ideas, or concerns. For example, the Congressional Black Caucus includes members of both houses and voices the concerns of the African American community.

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The HIPAA act concerns the protection of sensitive data relating to the health of individuals. There are various procedures which must be followed to ensure information is not leaked. Further information on this act is available from the U.S. department of Health and Human Services.