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elasticity is the measure of how the quantity supplied of a good or service changes in response to price.

therefore, inelasticity would be products that require producers to invest large sums of money in order to produce them.

So when the demand for a product is inelastic, it means it doesnt change prices, or it is something that we will always need, such as oil. We will always need gas for our cars, no matter what.

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Where a demand for the product doesn't change as much in its price. As an example, petrol. Those with cars will need to buy petrol to get to work. I hope that makes sense. I don't think it does but you can look it up online since it has a lot of information on it.

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This means that the quantity demanded of the good does not change very much, even if the price changes dramatically.

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Q: What does it mean if a product has inelastic demand?
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