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Under the economic policy of mercantilism the thing that the colonies did not have to do was Manufacture the same items that were produced to England ------> Is MpK

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Q: Under the economic policy of mercantilism which of these did the colonies not have to do?
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What did the colonies consider themselves under mercantilism?

They were considered colonies... That was the whole principle of mercantilism: colonies helping the economic success of the motherland.

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England controlled the external trade of the colonies under which policy?


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What was a common policy under mercantilism?

Restricting imports

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England viewed its North American colonies as an economic resource, colonies provided raw materials, made products out of it, and sold it back for a higher price go make a profit.

Under the economic policy of mercantilism what did the colonies not have to do?

According to mercantilism, the colonies were required to engage in two general behaviors: (1) The colonies were locked into exclusive trade between the colonies and the metropole and were not allowed to trade with any other nation or colony. (2) No manufactures or complex goods could be made in the colonial territory. As a result the colonies would provide wealth to the metropole by trading their natural resources for less than they would be worth and by buying manufactures for much more money.

What was the role of colonies under the practice of mercantilism?

to do their own class work

Which was true for the colonies under mercantilism?

Their activities were to benefit only the mother country.

What was true for the colonies under mercantilism?

Their activities were to benefit only the mother country.

What economic practices that existed under manorialism would not exist under capitalism?

Answer choices would be helpful here.However, the general difference between mercantilism and capitalism is that mercantilism is more restrictive than capitalism. Mercantilism is the economic policy that a metropole should have a number of colonies that provide it material wealth, unrefined resources, and a market for its goods. As a result, according to mercantilism, the colonies were required to engage in two general behaviors: (1) The colonies were locked into exclusive trade between the colonies and the metropole and were not allowed to trade with any other nation or colony. (2) No manufactures or complex goods could be made in the colonial territory. As a result the colonies would provide wealth to the metropole by trading their natural resources for less than they would be worth and by buying manufactures for much more money.As a result, entrepreneurial colonists that wanted to make manufactures or to trade with other parties engaged in smuggling. This kind of smuggling disappears significantly when trade restrictions are lifted.