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can result in some traditional cultural institutions being replaced.

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Why did some observers criticized suburbia because it?

because it contributed to urban sprawl <- WRONG!!

What is the social and cultural impact globalization on Ethiopia society?

Globalization has had a social and cultural impact on Ethiopian society because women are being used in roles that are no longer considered traditional. Also importation has grown in Ethiopia, opening up new opportunities for citizens.

What are some tips for a globalization and comsumption test?

Globalization is the spread of goods and culture throughout the world. Cultural diffusion is the spreading of ideas or products from one culture to another. They relate to each other because they are both the spread of something throughout the Earth. Consumption is the using up of goods and services. Globalization relates to consumption because the more a place has of globalization, the more it has, and the more it can consume. American consumption patterns affect people and places. If we use more than we need of something, there may not be enough of that for everybody. It affects whether we are a developed country, or a developing country. Globalization affects culture because the more culture spreads, the more the original culture changes. Globalization relates to of free trade, because free trade lets goods be traded easily, and globalization is the spread of culture and goods. Globalization helps multinational corporations because without globalization they would not spread to other countries. Gross domestic product relates to globalization because lots of globalization makes the GDP go up. GDP relates to consumption because the more we produce the more we can consume.

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Globalization influenced migration because of the culture and economy.

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Do theocracies hinder the process of globalization?

If the theology is of a non-militant, or peaceful nature, allowing other beliefs and practices to co-exist, yes, this theology will hinder globalization because people are given the option to follow it, or not, according to their own free will. This prevents globalization because multi-cultural and/or pluralistic societies are not cohesive. (Modern Europe and America) If the theology is aggressive and militant, teaching that it must be the ruling theology worldwide, no. In fact, it may tend to increase globalization because it will not co-exist with other competing theologies or ideologies. Answer: No, theocracies do not hinder globalization. Whether a theocracy can actually overtake the entire globe, remains to be seen. So far, these have only been successful on a local/regional level. (Iran, Saudi Arabia, etc)

Why was the adventures of Huckleberry Finn criticized?

Huckleberry Finn is criticized because of its word usage and slang. Many find it offensive and degrading.

How did bartolomeu dias spread globalization?

He didn't spread "globalization " because that is a modern concept that didn't apply in the 1500's and the explorers.

Why were women criticized for speaking in public?

because they have crooked tongues

How does globalization lead to interdependance among nations?

Globalization leads to interdependence among nations because it brings some nations money and others are brought into poverty. Globalization is good and bad for any nation.