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Q: Socially responsible consumers prefer to buy from companies that use what?
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Is it better to make an expensive product of very good quality or a cheap product of lower quality?

Some consumers prefer to pay less for a product even when they know that the quality is inferior. Some consumers prefer to pay more for a higher quality product. Large profits can be made selling the highly priced high quality products, but because the first group of consumers tends to be more numerous, equally high profits can be made selling the cheap products due to the higher sales volume. Both have their place in the market. On the other hand, for some people, maintaining the integrity of producing only products that they would be proud to put their name on is more important than making the highest possible profit.

How does FedEx compare in price to UPS?

FedEx and UPS are two companies that ship products. Some people prefer FedEx over UPS and vice versa. On average FedEx is cheaper than UPS.

Is Canada a developed country?

No, Canada is very much a developed country.Canada is pretty much the same as the United States in terms of development (politically, socially, culturally, economically). The only noticeable difference is that Canada has a low population for its size, however, this is due mainly to the climate (people generally prefer to live in Canada's south, where it is warm like the United States).

Why did European companies prefer the coast to set up their trading companies?

If you talk about America -because the eastern coast was closer to Europe and the Euroeans did not know anything about the other parts of America at the beginning. By the time they did so, the big cities with prospering business life had been born. If we talk about Africa -because the inner parts are too hot (deserts) and cannot be reached easily. Trading companies need(ed) ports because shipping goods by sea is the cheapest way of transport.

What is the difference between stated preference and revealed preference when it comes to consumer behavior?

Stated preference refers to what consumers say they prefer, while revealed preference is based on their actual choices and behavior. Stated preference is based on surveys or hypothetical scenarios, while revealed preference is observed through real-life actions such as purchasing decisions.

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Do companies prefer backlog?

Yes, but not too much of a backlog. If the backlog becomes too high, schedules break down and companies lose money, so they prefer a backlog of manageable size.

Do record companies prefer solo artists or bands?

Record companies prefer anybody or bodies that's gonna make them a lot of money doesn't matter if it's a solo artist or a group of artists

Which is correct The Board is responsible or the Board are responsible?

It depends on which version of English you prefer. Some British English speakers would vote for 'Board are' and some American English speakers would vote for 'Board is'. Whichever you prefer, the standard would be this: be consistent throughout your writing with the usage you prefer.

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Which interest method do credit card companies prefer?

The interest method that credit card companies prefer will vary depending on the company. In most cases, they use the average daily balance method or the daily balance method.