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coca cola is a secondary sector.

if it was a primary sector it would be cutting sugar canes, gathering the benzilate and other chemicals, it would get all the liquids together and send them to a secondary company to produce the drink "coke".

being a secondary sector; it has all the ingredients sent to warehouses and factories, the drink is then made and bottled in warehouses and factories. then the coca cola lorries and trucks distribute it to the tertiary sector business like "7/11", "Walmart", "tesco" and wholesale companies like "target" and "Costco" who then sell the product straight to the public (7/11 & walmart) OR sell bulk packages of the drink to small shop owners who wish to sell the product at their store (target & Costco)

I am a 16 year old student from London currently in a business lesson looking for facts and figures of the three sectors to help me further explain why they are increasing or decreasing and i stumbled upon this question,

hope i have helped :D

Joe Bayliss

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