how much was a loaf of bread in England 1942
In not sure what the price was in England but in the U.S the average loaf of bread was .09 cents!
The cost of the Bread in England was 36p in 1997
The cost of a loaf of bread in 1957 was 19 cents. The cost of a loaf of bread in 1957 was 19 cents.
The average price of a loaf of bread was about $.99
In 1952 a loaf of bread cost 16 cents
a loaf of bread cost 9 cents
The cost of the Bread in England was 36p in 1997
The cost of a basic white loaf in 1938 was 2p, the same for a pint a milk.
A loaf of bread in 2002 cost about $1.14.
a good quality loaf of bread cost $4.65 you can buy cheap bread for $3.00 per loaf.
A loaf of bread cost 17 cents in 1954.
The cost of a loaf of bread in 1957 was 19 cents. The cost of a loaf of bread in 1957 was 19 cents.
In the year of 1994, one loaf of bread would have cost about $1.59. Now a day, in 2014, one loaf of bread will cost consumers about $2.42.
The average price of a loaf of bread was about $.99
In 1952 a loaf of bread cost 16 cents
Good quality bread cost 4.65 per loaf
a loaf of bread cost 9 cents
$2.19 a loaf average £1.20p in the UK