As of today the exchange rate is 66.71694 Philippine Pesos for one Euro.
Check this web site for the exchange rates for other dates or times. It changes constantly.
Jan 2010 : $500 US Dollars = 6,341 Mexican Peso.
The value of a 1932 Cuban Peso depends on its condition. In very good condition, such a coin is valued at about 67 US dollars.
i peso
There is no such thing as a "5 dollar peso." It is either "5 dollars" or "5 pesos." Also, the value is either "5 dollars" or "5 pesos" as we were not asked how much it is worth in other currencies.
In America they use USD which is United States Dollars
the Philippines has peso,peso is Philippine money,it looks diffrent then other money in the us dollars.
1000 mile livres convert to Philippines peso
Jan 2010 : $500 US Dollars = 6,341 Mexican Peso.
The value of a one peso Philippines silver certificate depends on the condition, rarity, and demand for the specific note. Generally, these certificates can be worth anywhere from a few dollars to a couple hundred dollars to collectors. It's recommended to consult with a currency appraiser or numismatic expert for an accurate valuation.
1 Mexican peso = 0.0817 US dollars
the Philippines has peso,peso is Philippine money,it looks diffrent then other money in the us dollars.
about 43 dollars
your 5000 Mexican peso's is currency worth $404.74 us dollars
1 peso equals about 0.065193 US dollars. So a 1000 peso coin would be worth about 65 dollars.
Jan 2010 : $500 US Dollars = 6,341 Mexican Peso.
0.197404 U.S. dollars ==