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The robber barons utilized and manipulated the idea of trusts and decimated even the smallest competition, making their industry into a monopoly. This eventually led to the Sherman-Antitrust Act.

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Q: How did robber barons create monopolies in the US in the late 1800?
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Robber barons

What was the name given to the richest leaders of the industry in the late 1800?

Robber barons

What was the name given to the richest leaders of the industries in the late 1800's?

Robber barons

What major economic development occurred during the late 1800's in the US?

Rich Industrialists and Bankers were able to create many monopolistic trusts and control important industries such as steel, oil , and railroads (The Robber Barons) during the 1800s

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Actually the Mafia, other than their use of violence and murder, is no different from many other corporations in America. The leaders of the Mafia, were also much like the early founders of the United States. The robber barons of the late 1800's were worse than the mafia chieftains.

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What did the robber barrens do?

From about 800 -- 1800 CE, they levied tolls against merchant ships on the Rhine River. This was illegal--only the Holy Roman Emperor could authorize the collection of tolls.

Why was the Sherman Anti-Trust passed?

In the United States, in the late 1800's, there were many monopolies. A monopoly is a business in an industry that other companies can't compete with. The problem with that is that the monopoly can charge whatever price they want for what they make, and when there is no competition there is no need to improve. Competition is what improves the world, just think about it. At that time there was also Trusts. Trusts are a group of monopolies lead by one board of directors. This is terrible for many businesses. The Sherman Antitrust Act banned trusts and monopolies. It was a very important Act.