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Increased foreign investment

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Q: Greater capital mobility can help developing countries by providing what?
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Why do developed countries have a greater percentage of people over the age 65 than developing countries?

Developed countries typically have lower birth rates and higher life expectancy due to advanced healthcare and better living conditions. This demographic shift leads to an aging population compared to developing countries, where higher birth rates and lower life expectancy contribute to a younger population overall.

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Which has greater mobility in intrinsic semiconductor Electrons or holes?

The mobility of electrons is always greater than holes. Only the number of electrons and holes would be same in an intrinsic semiconductor.

Which of these results from greater capital mobility?

Increased foreign investment.

What is meant by greater mobility of resources?

Melting point of objects

Match each current trend in the global economy with one of its economic effects.?

Improved communication: Easier outsourcing; Trade liberalization: Increased trade; Infrastructure development: Cheaper transportation; Industrialization: Greater productivity.

Why mobility of holes is greater than mobility of electron?

electrons have less effective size than that of holes(which actually are not real)...formula says m(mobility)=drift velocity/electric field=et/m where t is relaxation time.. so mobility is inversely proportional to mass hence e has more mobility.

What cells would have a greater probability of developing into cancer?

cell population that reproduces excessively and migrates

What does greater capital mobility mean?

Investment money flows freely around the world.

What results from greater capital mobility?

increased foreign trade

What were the results of improved transportation in the 1920's?

* Greater Mobility * Creation of Jobs * Growth of transportation Industries

What does a joint do?

Joints are where two or more bones make contact. They allow for articulation. There are 3 classification of functions for joints 1) synarthrosis - provides little mobility 2) amphiarthrosis - provides a bit more mobility 3) diarthrosis - provides a greater mobility