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only 35% of people are poor and that's all _________

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Q: Extent of success achieved pertaining to the poverty in India?
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Extent of success achieved pertaining to poverty in India?

only 35% of people are poor and that's all _________

Evaluate the benefits for Tesco in providing a structured training programme To what extent do you think the training has achieved a Return on Investment?

To what extent do you think the training has achieved a Return on Investment? tesco

Good quotes or historiography for a higher history liberal reforms essay - to what extent did the social reforms of the liberal government 1906-14 solve the problems associated with poverty?

David Lloyd George once said 'We must eliminate the widespread poverty which scars this land glittering with wealth'

Did God allow his son to be born in poverty?

The reason God allowed his Son Jesus to be born into poverty, if he was, is that that is what was prophesied. God could have sent Jesus into any role on earth, but he chose to send him as a servant so he could reach the most people. If he was a high official, we would not have the same example as if he were poor. Perhaps it would be true to say that Jesus was not born in poverty in the true meaning of the word.The state of having little or no money and few or no material possessions. Poverty is to some extent is a state of mind, for one can be rich in having good and true friends, kind and loving parents, having sufficient for ones needs. The class of people Jesus was born into, were the humble and meek, lowly of heart; but above all teachable. Though we first hear of him discussing things with the wise and learned when but a youth, it was the poor and lowly who listened.

What were Benjamin Seebohm Rowntree's findings from his study 'Poverty a Study of Town Life' in some detail?

Rowntree's poverty line was set at 21s 8d (just over £1). This was how much he calculated was needed to live. 27% of the population of York lived around this line, according to his findings, which were gleaned from interviewing 2/3 of the population, gathering information from factory owners as to their employees' wages, and also talking to parish priests. Rowntree then divided this into two categories. He surmised that 18% of households in York lived in 'secondary poverty'; earning more than 21s 8d, but with most of this money going on rent, food, fuel and sometimes 'wasteful' uses such as alcohol. 10% of households were said to be in a state of 'primary poverty', unable to afford basic necessities such as food, fuel or rent. Rowntree also came up with the idea of the poverty cycle; a newly married couple would be well off until they had children, but their fortunes would improve when their children also became wage earners and then decreased again when they were no longer able to work.This tied in with the findings of Charles Booth, who had done a survey on the poor in London and concluded that 31% of households there lived in poverty, including 10% who lived on the verge of starvation and often turned to crime. (It should be noted that Booth's poverty line was actually set at between 18 and 21s). Both these investigations brought to the fore the extent of poverty both within the capital and in less industrial, prosperous places such as York. By showing that poverty was circumstantial and not the fault of the individual it changed working class attitudes to social reform and made people see that the government's 'laisser faire' attitude did not work and more needed to be done.

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dont start nothin dont be nothin