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just lead to a shift in the supply curve.

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Q: Does a change in producers' technology lead to a movement along the supply curve or shift in the supply curve?
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Does a change in producers' technology lead to a movement along the supply curve or a shift in the supply curve?

Changes in a producer's technology can lead to a SHIFT in the supply curve.

What is the factor that supply curve to shift right?

A increase in supply will be because of an: Increase in technology, change in production climates (positive change), cost of production decrease or increase in number of producers,changes in the prices of other goods and services, subsides.

How do technology change supply?

It changes supply by how much is bought. The more technology that is bought, the less supply there is. The less that is bought, the more supply there is.

Movement along the supply curve?

Movement along the Supply Curve is an indication of a change in Quantity Supplied.

Why does technology change supply?

Lowers production cost

What describes a situation in which the price of a good fall?

A new technology allows producers to increase supply very quickly.

How does supply differ from the quantity supplied?

A change in quantity supplied is a movement along the upward sloping supply curve in response to a change market price (holding all other things constant - the ceteris pariubs assumption). Contrast this to a change in supply (a shift in the supply curve), which is caused by a change in the producers costs.

Producers will not be concerned with demand or supply?

Producers typically are not concerned with demand. Producers however are concerned with supply because they are responsible for the supply.

True or False A Change in supply refers to a movement along the supply curve?


What describes a situation which the price of a good would rise?

A new technology allows producers to increase supply very quickly

What describes a situation in which the price of a commodity would fall?

A new technology allows producers to increase supply very quickly.

What are the six main determinants of supply?

1. Number of producers ↑(↓) producers => ↑(↓) supply (S) 2. Resource prices ↑(↓) Resource Price => ↓(↑)S 3. Technology ↑ Technology=> ↑S (technology is assumed to never get worse) 4. Taxes/subsidies ↑(↓) Taxes => ↓(↑)S; ↑(↓) Subsidy =>↑(↓)S 5. Producer expectations (varies) 6. Prices of related goods ↑(↓) Substitute =>↓(↑)S; ↑(↓) Complements => ↑(↓)S