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Q: Can a monopoly earn economic profits in the long run?
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Which statements is true about profits in a monopolistically competitive market?

many firms will earn profits in the short term, but they must constantly innovate and compete to earn profits in the long term

In what market structures is it possible for Firms to make positive profit in the long run?

Monopoly and Oligopoly are both the only firms that may make positive profit in the long run. Under LONG-RUN MARKET TENDENCY OF PRICE AND ATC: Monopoly P>ATC and Oligopoly P>ATC both will have postive profits, however it possible to turn to zero profits if there isn't capitalization of the profits or any rent-seeking activities or if the market is contestable. But moreover, the answer you're looking for is the above that bother Monopoly and Oligopoly will have positive profit in the long run.

Firms in an industry will not earn long-run economic profits if?

In long run under perfect competition new firms enters into the market and share the profit of existing firms due to free entry and exit .the new firms in the long run enters into the market until they earn profit and leaves the market if they suffer looses. In short if there is free entry and exit

What is the most important determinant of whether or not firms receive economic profits in the long run?

Customer satisfaction.

Entry and exit in a purely competitive industry occur in the. True Or False?

Long run, so that long-run economic profits are zero.

Why is it that firms can earn profits in the long run in monopoly and oligopoly but not in monopolistic competition and perfect competition?

Because monopolistically competitive firms have an optimal production allocation at monopoly values: marginal revenue = marginal cost, marking-up to the demand function. When competition is not perfect, marginal revenue does not equal demand but is always below it on a Cartesian plane, so the optimal production value of a monopolistically competitive firm is both less and at a higher price than a perfectly competitive one.

Explain how a monopolist can earn supernormal profits in the long run?

in the long run, they dont spend a penny. and they take everybody money, and then they spend it on girls, and then they spend it on ps3, and then they take the tax payers money. all happy yay.

What is the importance of profits?

Profits - Expense = Savings and Investment Profits keep a business going as long is it is more than expense.

If all firms only earn a normal profit in the long run firms will develop new products or lower-cost production methods because they can?

Innovate and possibly earn an economic profit in the short run.

Types of profits in the long run in oligopoly?

Supernormal profits due to high barriers to entry. Profits in the long run are determined by the barriers to entry. If there is high barriers to entry, new firms cannot enter the industry easily and hence cannot competed with existing firms for profits. Existing firms would be able to enjoy supernormal profits. On the contrary, weak barriers to entry means that the long run profits would be competed away by new firms entering the industry, hence firms would earn normal profits. Oligopoly market is characterised by high barriers to entry, largely due to non-price competition such as branding, advertising, etc. High barriers could also be due to economies of scale and high fixed cost.

Why is an economic advantage for a development nation often disadvantage for developing nation?

Profits for developed nations mean long hours and low pay for workers in developing nations. <----Nova Net

Why is an economic advantage for a developed nation often a Disadvantage for developing nation?

Profits for developed nations mean long hours and low pay for workers in developing nations. <----Nova Net