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Typically the advantage of the free market economy coupled with a democratic political system is best suited for sustained economic progress. The free market economy offers basic incentives for entrepreneurship versus a state-owned which would offer nothing. The sustainability will be a direct derivative of competition which also would be non-existent in a state owned economy. Hill the author, claims China, South Korea, Taiwan, Singapore, and Hong Kong have all been exceptions to the rule citing each fostering a market economy with strong property rights protection. Hill continues to tell us that a democracy may not be a condition of economic stimulation but subsequent growth may follow with a democratic regime.

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Brandy Ortiz

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12y ago

Typically the advantage of the free market economy coupled with a democratic political system is best suited for sustained economic progress. The free market economy offers basic incentives for entrepreneurship versus a state-owned which would offer nothing. The sustainability will be a direct derivative of competition which also would be non-existent in a state owned economy. Hill the author, claims China, South Korea, Taiwan, Singapore, and Hong Kong have all been exceptions to the rule citing each fostering a market economy with strong property rights protection. Hill continues to tell us that a democracy may not be a condition of economic stimulation but subsequent growth may follow with a democratic regime.

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Q: A democratic political system is an essential condition for sustained economic progress?
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A democratic political system is an essential condition for sustained economic progress Discuss?

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A democratic political system is an essential for sustained economic progress?

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