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8mo ago

The process where clouds release precipitation in the form of rain is called precipitation or rain formation. It occurs when water droplets in a cloud combine to form larger droplets that eventually become heavy enough to fall to the ground as rain.

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Q: What is the process called when clouds turn into rain?
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How does lake water turn into a cloud?

The wind and sun evaporates the water off lakes and oceans. The water vapour rises and forms clouds. The clouds release rain, which flows back into the lakes and oceans. The process is called, the water cycle.

If stratus clouds are dark what are they called?

If stratus clouds are dark, they are often referred to as nimbostratus clouds. These clouds are thick and capable of producing continuous precipitation, such as rain or snow.

How does rain turn into water?

Rain is already water in the form of liquid droplets falling from clouds. This process occurs when water vapor in the air cools and condenses into tiny water droplets that eventually become heavy enough to fall as rain.

How can water turn into rain?

Water turns into rain through a process called condensation. When water vapor in the air cools and forms tiny droplets around particles like dust or salt, clouds are created. As these droplets collide and combine, they grow larger and eventually fall as rain.

What turns clouds into rain?

Clouds turn into rain when water droplets in the clouds combine to form larger droplets that eventually become heavy enough to fall as precipitation. This process is called coalescence. If the droplets freeze into ice crystals before falling, it can result in snow or hail instead of rain.

What causes rain or hail to begin to fall?

rain: the clouds collect eough water from the ocean to the clouds and the clouds get too heavy and have to fall down. hail: the water from the clouds get frozen and turn into snow

What is it called when clouds turn in to soil?

When clouds deposit water onto the ground as rain, it helps to foster plant growth and replenish the soil with moisture. However, clouds themselves do not transform into soil. Soil is composed of weathered rocks, minerals, organic matter, water, and air.

How do the water turn to rain?

evapiration then clouds fill and get go like a blatter

What type of cloud is fluffy and low?

The type of cloud that is fluffy and low is called a cumulus cloud. These clouds often resemble cotton balls and usually form at lower altitudes in the atmosphere. They are commonly associated with fair weather.

What happens if you see cumulus clouds?

Cumulus clouds typically indicate fair weather, but they can also develop into larger storm clouds. As cumulus clouds grow in size and darken, they may eventually turn into cumulonimbus clouds, bringing the potential for thunderstorms, heavy rain, or severe weather.

What are facts about rain?

It can also rain fish. That is, a storm may pick up fish eggs from one locale and, as the storm travels, the eggs mature and hatch. That makes it rain fish. (it is a true occurrence)Verga is rain that evaporates before it hits the ground. This is particularly true in desert, or extremely dry areas.well, the rain droplets, before they fall, make up the cloud in trillions and trillions of suspened droplets, that if all put together would be around 20 tons.Rain is a process in the water cycle.It's correct name is percipitation.Well, I can tell you how rain comes and goes. When it gets humid out, water from oceans, seas, and lakes turn from a liquid into a gas called water vapor. This process is called evaporation. Next, the water vapor cools and condenses into clouds. This process is called condensation. Once the clouds are too big, the water comes down as rain. Just like time and space, the water cycle never ends, so we never run out of water.

How does rain develope?

the water on the ground turns into water vapor, then it rises to the clouds. once the clouds get to heavy they turn grayish black and relese the water (rain).