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A geologist would typically use methods such as surface mapping, seismic testing, and borehole drilling to locate a horizontal coal bed on a soil-covered slope where soil creep is active. The distinctive sandstone bed underlying the coal bed can serve as a helpful marker for geologists to better identify and locate the coal bed in such challenging geological conditions. Additionally, analyzing weathered sandstone fragments can provide valuable insights into the composition and potential presence of the coal bed beneath the soil-covered slope.

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Q: What geologist wants to locate a horizontal coal bed on a soil-covered slope where soil creep is active A distinctive sandstone bed underlies the coal bed On the basis of weathered sandstone fragm?
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What type of stone is sedona red rock?

Sedona red rock is mainly composed of sandstone, with iron oxide deposits giving it its distinctive red color. Sandstone is a sedimentary rock formed from compacted sand grains.

What is the difference between Hermit Shale and Coconino?

Hermit Shale is a layer of sedimentary rock found in the Grand Canyon that is older than the Coconino Sandstone. Hermit Shale is made up of clay, silt, and sand, while the Coconino Sandstone is composed of cross-bedded sandstone. The Coconino Sandstone is also known for its distinctive frosted appearance due to the quartz grains it contains.

The various sedimentary rocks such as conglomerate and sandstone are identified by?

Sedimentary rocks such as conglomerate and sandstone are identified by their distinctive grain sizes, sorting, rounding of particles, and mineral composition. Conglomerate contains large, rounded pebbles in a matrix of finer material, while sandstone is made up of sand-sized grains that may be well sorted or poorly sorted. These characteristics help geologists differentiate between different types of sedimentary rocks.

How is Old Red Sandstone formed?

Old Red Sandstone is formed from the accumulation of sand and mud sediments, which solidify over time through compaction and cementation. These sediments were deposited in ancient river and lake environments during the Devonian period, around 419-359 million years ago. The distinctive red color of Old Red Sandstone rocks is due to the presence of iron oxide minerals in the sediments.

What metamorphic rock does shale and granite turn into?

Shale turns into slate, granite into gneiss.

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A sandstone layer is found tilted 75 degrees from the horizontal. What probably caused this 75 degrees tilt?

a sandstone layer is found tilted at an angle of 75° from the horizontal. what probably caused this 75° tilt?

What is an example of paraconformities?

A paraconformity is a type of unconformity where the rock layers are parallel with no visible erosional surface in between. An example would be a horizontal layer of sandstone deposited on top of another horizontal layer of sandstone with no signs of disturbance or erosion between them.

What principle is a geologist applying when deciding that a fossil in a mud layer is older than a fossil in a sandstone layer above it?

The geologist is applying the principle of superposition, which states that in an undisturbed sequence of rock layers, the oldest rocks are at the bottom and the youngest are at the top. This helps geologists determine the relative ages of fossils found in different layers of sedimentary rock.

What type of stone is sedona red rock?

Sedona red rock is mainly composed of sandstone, with iron oxide deposits giving it its distinctive red color. Sandstone is a sedimentary rock formed from compacted sand grains.

Metamorphic rock formed from sandstone?

Quartzite is a metamorphic rock formed from sandstone. The process involves heat and pressure altering the sandstone's mineral composition, causing quartz grains to recrystallize and fuse together, resulting in a harder, more durable rock. Quartzite is known for its smooth texture, high resistance to weathering, and distinctive white color.

What is the difference between Hermit Shale and Coconino?

Hermit Shale is a layer of sedimentary rock found in the Grand Canyon that is older than the Coconino Sandstone. Hermit Shale is made up of clay, silt, and sand, while the Coconino Sandstone is composed of cross-bedded sandstone. The Coconino Sandstone is also known for its distinctive frosted appearance due to the quartz grains it contains.

What is Uluru made out of?

Uluru is made out of a type of sandstone called arkose, which is rich in the mineral feldspar. This gives Uluru its distinctive red color. Over millions of years, erosion and weathering have shaped Uluru into its current form.

Which turn sandstone into gneiss?

The metamorphic process that turns sandstone into gneiss is called regional metamorphism. This process involves high temperature and pressure conditions deep within the Earth's crust, causing the minerals in the sandstone to recrystallize and align in layers to form gneiss. The distinctive banding and foliation of gneiss are a result of this intense metamorphic transformation.

What type of rock are the three sisters?

The Three Sisters are a unique rock formation located in the Blue Mountains of New South Wales, Australia. They are made up of sandstone, which has been shaped by erosion over millions of years, resulting in their distinctive appearance.

How is wind involved in the formation of sandstone arches?

Wind erodes the sandstone by carrying abrasive particles that slowly wear down the rock over time, forming unique shapes like arches. The wind also plays a role in shaping the arches through a process known as differential erosion, where softer layers of sandstone are eroded faster than harder layers, creating the distinctive arch structures.

How are Rose Rocks formed?

Rose rocks are formed through the natural process of crystallization in a specific type of sandstone called barite sandstone. Barite crystals in the sandstone act as nuclei for the growth of secondary gypsum crystals, which take on a rosette-like shape due to their interlocking growth patterns. Over time, these gypsum crystals continue to grow, forming the distinctive rose-shaped clusters that we see in Rose rocks.

What is the common name for sandstone?

The common name for sandstone - is sandstone. Sandstone is a sedimentary rock formed from grains of sand.