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The Continental drift

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The breakup of Pangaea occurred in several stages over millions of years. It started with the rifting of Pangaea into two supercontinents, Laurasia and Gondwana, during the Triassic period. This was followed by further breakup into the continents we know today during the Jurassic and Cretaceous periods.

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Q: What are the stages of the breakup of pangaea?
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How many stages do scientists hypothesis there are to pangaea?

Scientists hypothesize that there are two main stages to the formation of Pangaea: the assembly stage, during which the continents were moving closer together, and the breakup stage, when Pangaea began to split into separate continents.

Which of Earths oceans was created by the breakup of the supercontinent Pangaea?

The Atlantic Ocean was created by the breakup of the supercontinent Pangaea. As Pangaea began to separate into the continents we know today, the Atlantic Ocean formed in between them through the process of seafloor spreading.

The breakup of Pangaea occurred during the .?

The breakup of Pangaea occurred during the Mesozoic Era, specifically during the Jurassic and Cretaceous periods. This process led to the formation of the modern continents we know today.

The breakup of pangaea is a process that is continuing today?

The breakup of Pangaea occurred over millions of years through the process of plate tectonics, where the supercontinent slowly separated into the continents we have today. While the initial breakup is not continuing, plate tectonics are still active, causing the continents to drift at a slow rate.

What is The advantage and disadvantages of Pangaea?

Advantage of Pangaea: Increased biodiversity due to species distribution across a vast, connected landmass allowed for unique evolutionary pathways. Disadvantage of Pangaea: Eventually led to mass extinction events as the breakup of Pangaea caused drastic changes in climate and habitats.

Related questions

How many stages do scientists hypothesis there are to pangaea?

Scientists hypothesize that there are two main stages to the formation of Pangaea: the assembly stage, during which the continents were moving closer together, and the breakup stage, when Pangaea began to split into separate continents.

Did the breakup of Pangaea resulted in warm wet global climates?

False, the breakup of Pangaea did not result in warm, wet global climates.

What was the effect of the breakup of pangaea?

The continental droft

Who proposed the breakup of Pangaea?

Alfred Wegener

Which era marked the beginning of the breakup of Pangaea?


What are the five stages of how pangaea has thought to have evolved?

Formation: Pangaea formed around 335 million years ago when several continents collided, creating a single supercontinent. Breakup: Around 175 million years ago, Pangaea started breaking apart due to tectonic plate movements. Laurasia and Gondwana: The breakup of Pangaea led to the formation of two supercontinents, Laurasia in the north and Gondwana in the south. Continents drift: Over millions of years, the continents continued to drift to their current positions. Current configuration: The continents are currently arranged as they are today, following the breakup of Pangaea.

Which of Earths oceans was created by the breakup of the supercontinent Pangaea?

The Atlantic Ocean was created by the breakup of the supercontinent Pangaea. As Pangaea began to separate into the continents we know today, the Atlantic Ocean formed in between them through the process of seafloor spreading.

The breakup of Pangaea occurred during the .?

The breakup of Pangaea occurred during the Mesozoic Era, specifically during the Jurassic and Cretaceous periods. This process led to the formation of the modern continents we know today.

Did the breakup of Pangaea begin during the Cenozoic era?

age of reptiles

How did Pangaea affect evolution?

Evolution was not the cause of the breakup of Pangaea. Pangaea broke up by a process called rifting. Upwelling in Earth's mantle started to pull the conteinent apart. As the curst thinned, it led to the formation of volcanoes, which generated new crust, helping to push the continent apart. Evolution is the process by which groups of organisms change over time. While the breakup of Pangaea undoubtedly affected the course of evolution, evolution had nothing to do with causing the breakup.

What was the major event of the Jurassic Period?

i heard that it was the exsistance and extinction of the dinosours and the continuing breakup of Pangaea

Is the breakup of pangaea is a process that is continuing today?

The breakup of the Pangea is a process that is continuing today. The Atlantic Ocean is broadening, and the Pacific is shrinking at the rate of approximately an inch a year.