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strong gravity

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Earth's gravity is able to hold bodies of water on its surface due to the gravitational force pulling water toward the center of the planet. Additionally, the presence of the atmosphere helps regulate temperatures and prevents water from evaporating into space. The unique combination of the gravity and atmospheric conditions on Earth allows for the existence of oceans, lakes, and rivers.

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Q: What allows earth the ability to maintain bodies of water?
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What about earth allows it to maintain bodies under water?

Earth's gravity creates a force that allows objects to be submerged underwater. This force, in combination with the density of the object and the density of the water, determines whether an object will float or sink. Additionally, Earth's atmosphere exerts pressure on the surface of bodies of water, which helps keep them contained.

What does earth allow to maintain bodies of water?

Earth's gravity creates a stable environment that allows bodies of water to be retained on its surface. The planet's atmosphere also helps regulate temperature and prevent water from evaporating into space, contributing to the maintenance of bodies of water. Additionally, geological features such as landmasses and tectonic activity play a role in shaping the distribution and characteristics of water bodies on Earth.

Is earth balanced force?

Yes, the Earth is considered to be in a state of balance when it comes to forces acting on it, such as gravity, the centrifugal force from its rotation, and other forces from celestial bodies. This balance allows the Earth to maintain its orbit around the sun and its rotation on its axis.

What about earth allows it to maintain bodies or water?

Earth's atmosphere creates conditions suitable for maintaining bodies of water through a combination of factors such as gravity, temperature, and pressure. Gravity keeps water from floating off into space, while the atmosphere traps heat to maintain liquid water through a range of temperatures. Additionally, the hydrological cycle - involving evaporation, precipitation, and runoff - helps replenish and circulate water throughout the planet.

Which of the following properties of water is most important to Earth's climate?

The high specific heat capacity of water is most important to Earth's climate. This property allows water to absorb and store heat, helping to moderate temperature changes in the atmosphere and oceans.

Related questions

What about Earth's allows it to maintain bodies of water?

moderate temperatures and strong gravity (APEX)

What about Earth allows it to maintain bodies of water Comet crashes tides mountains or moderate temperature?

its moderate temperatures

What about earth allows it maintain body of water?

moderate temperatures and strong gravity (APEX)

What earth allows to maintain bodies of what?

By keeping the water in a constant cycle of evaporation, condensation, and precipitation therefore it can let living things use some of it so when it precipitates again, the bodies of water don't overflow (except for some rivers, streams, lakes, etc. in a really bad storm)

What property of earth's atmosphere allows telescopes to produce images of celestial bodies?

The main proerty tat wllos this is its clarity.

Which of the following properties of water is most important to Earth's climate?

The high specific heat capacity of water is most important to Earth's climate. This property allows water to absorb and store heat, helping to moderate temperature changes in the atmosphere and oceans.

What makes the earth to rotate around the orbit?

The Earth condensed out of a rotating Solar Nebula, inheriting its angular momentum for the condensing cloud. The conservation of angular momentum allows the Earth to maintain its orbit.

What are the earth's largest bodies called?

The continents are earth's largest bodies of land. The oceans are the Earth's largest bodies of water.

Can you ride an airplane to the moon?

No. An airplane is not designed to fly out of the Earth's atmosphere, only a space rocket has the ability to fly to other celestial bodies and space stations.

How can a man resist Gravity of Earth?

A man cannot resist the gravitational pull of Earth, as gravity is a fundamental force of nature. Gravity is what keeps us grounded to the Earth's surface and allows objects to maintain their position in space.

What are the largest bodies of land on earth called?

The largest bodies of land on Earth are called continents. There are seven continents on Earth: Africa, Antarctica, Asia, Europe, North America, Australia, and South America.

How does gravity help the earth spin?

Gravity is responsible for keeping the Earth in its orbit around the Sun, which allows the Earth to rotate as it moves. As the Earth spins on its axis, the force of gravity helps maintain its balance and stability, preventing it from moving off course or tilting excessively.