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one of the processes is by a volcano when it erupted and the other is from lakes

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3mo ago

Two processes that could cause high mountains with rounded peaks are erosion and glaciation. Erosion from wind, water, or ice can wear down sharp peaks over time, creating a more rounded appearance. Glaciation, where glaciers move over the landscape, can also smooth out mountain peaks as the ice grinds and shapes the rock.

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Q: What 2 processes would cause high Mountains to form with rounded peaks?
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Yes, the term rounded mountains refers to the rounded peaks. Rounded peaks indicate age and weathering forces over a long period of time. The Blue Ridge Mountains which are part of the Appalachian Mountain range all have rounded peaks because the Appalachian Mountain range is millions of years old. In comparison, the Rocky Mountains are not rounded; they are much younger than the Appalachian Mountain range.

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Jagged mountains peaks become more rounded by the process of weathering. This occurs as wind and rain slowly eat away at the mountain, removing tiny bits of the rocks at a time until the mountains look more rounded than jagged.

What forms high mountains with rounded peaks?

It's formed from volcanoes! When it explodes.

What are the characteristics of young mountains and old mountains?

Young mountains are characterized by sharp, rugged peaks, steep slopes, and active geological processes like earthquakes and volcanic activity. Old mountains have smoother, more rounded peaks, gentler slopes, and exhibit less intense geological activity due to millions of years of weathering and erosion. Old mountains are often lower in elevation compared to young mountains.

What cause sharp rough mountains to become rounded and smooth over time?

Weathering, Erosion