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3w ago

Transpiration. This is the process by which plants release water vapor into the atmosphere through small pores on their leaves called stomata. Transpiration plays a key role in the water cycle and helps to regulate humidity levels in the atmosphere.

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Q: Vegetation gives off water vapor into the atmosphere through a process called?
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What process recycles water from the biosphere to the atmosphere?

The process that recycles water from the biosphere to the atmosphere is called evaporation. During evaporation, water from bodies of water or vegetation is heated by the sun and changes from liquid to vapor, rising into the atmosphere.

What process through which water enters the atmosphere?

The process through which water enters the atmosphere is called evaporation. Evaporation occurs when water from oceans, lakes, rivers, and other bodies of water is heated by the sun and turns into water vapor, which rises into the atmosphere.

Through what process does water enter the atmosphere from the surface of plants?

Water enters the atmosphere from the surface of plants through a process called transpiration. Transpiration is the movement of water through a plant and its evaporation from the aerial parts, such as leaves and stems, into the atmosphere. This process helps plants regulate temperature, maintain cell turgidity, and transport nutrients.

What is the movement of water from the vegetation to the ground called?

The movement of water from vegetation to the ground is called transpiration. This process involves water vapor exiting the plant through tiny pores on the leaves and stems, ultimately returning moisture to the soil.

What process does water enter the atmosphere from the ocean?

Water enters the atmosphere from the ocean through a process called evaporation, where heat energy from the sun causes water molecules at the ocean's surface to turn into water vapor and rise into the atmosphere.

Related questions

Which natural process does not release CO2 into the atmosphere?

Photosynthesis does not.A:The photosynthesis process in vegetation, plants and trees does release CO2. Not only that, it also captures it again from the atmosphere. The photosynthesis process is part of a larger natural process called the Carbon Cycle. In this cycle, oceans release and capture CO2 too.

What The process through plants lose water to the atmosphere is called?


What is the loss of moisture from vegetation into the atmosphere called?


How does heat get distributed in the atmosphere and the ocean?

In the atmosphere, heat is distributed through processes like convection, conduction, and radiation, with warm air rising and cool air sinking. In the ocean, heat is distributed mainly through ocean currents, which transport warm and cold water around the globe. These processes play a crucial role in regulating Earth's climate system.

What escapes a plant through the leaves and renters the atmospshere as gas in process called what?

Water vapours eascape from the leaves to the atmosphere. This process of evaporation is called transpiration.

How is Water added to the atmosphere?

Water is added to the atmosphere through a process called evaporation. This happens when the sun heats up water on the surface of the Earth.

The process through which bodies of water lose water is called what?

The process through which bodies of water lose water is called evaporation. This is when water is converted from liquid to vapor and released into the atmosphere.

What is the transfer of moisture from vegetation to the atmosphere through the stomata of plant leaves?

The transfer of moisture from vegetation to the atmosphere through the stomata of plant leaves is called transpiration. Transpiration helps plants regulate temperature, transport nutrients, and maintain cell turgidity. It also creates a suction force that helps pull water and nutrients from the roots to the upper parts of the plant.

What processes are nitrates returned to the atmosphere?

Nitrates are returned to the atmosphere through a process called denitrification, where bacteria convert nitrates back into nitrogen gas. This process occurs in oxygen-limited environments such as waterlogged soils or sediments. Nitrates can also be released into the atmosphere through volatilization from fertilizers or animal waste.

What is the process called that plants lose water into the air?

During photosynthesis, plants make oxygen and water. Water then moves out of tiny holes on the leaves and into the air. The water vapor rises up into the atmosphere, and as it cools it condenses.

Plants pull carbon from theatmosphere to make food through a process called what?

Plants pull carbon from the atmosphere to make food through a process called photosynthesis. This process involves the conversion of carbon dioxide and water into glucose using sunlight as an energy source.

Heat in the atmosphere is distributed through a vertical mixing process called?

convection. Warm air rises from the surface, carrying heat energy upward and distributing it vertically through the atmosphere. This convection process helps regulate temperatures and circulate heat around the globe.