After days of heavy precipitation, the river overflowed its banks and flooded the surrounding area.
Researchers used a climograph to illustrate the average monthly temperature and precipitation patterns in various regions around the world.
Acid rain forms when pollutants are released into the atmosphere, and it can damage buildings and harm plant and aquatic life. Wind and precipitation can help disperse acid rain over large distances, affecting different regions.
The word precipitous is an adjective. It means to be steep.
The orographic lifting of air over a mountain range can lead to the formation of clouds and precipitation on the windward side of the mountains.
A sentence using the word precipitation would be: Rain is a form of precipitation.
The weatherman said to expect a lot of precipitation tonight.
The weatherman predicts precipitation in our area this evening.
I am tired of all this precipitation!
Precipitation is a word forecasters use for rain.
After days of heavy precipitation, the river overflowed its banks and flooded the surrounding area.
"The desert valley at that location normally received only about nine inches of precipitation a year.""The weather channel said that there was a 100% chance of precipitation."
Can you use the word concluding in a sentence? Done.
You can use the word Truss in a sentence like this.
Just use it! Or do you mean, can you use the word beheld in a sentence.
The horizontal rings around the Great Sphinx of Gaza are the result of ancient precipitation.
Since that is not a word I would not attempt to use it in a sentence.