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Greenhouse gases, especially carbon dioxide (CO2) are absorbed by the ocean. This is turning the oceans acidic (carbonic acid). This damages corals (by bleaching) and makes it difficult for shellfish to grow shells that are as strong as before.

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Q: How would greenhouse gas emissions harm ocean creatures?
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Why would greenhouse gas emission harm these creatures?

CO2 acts as an acid when absorbed by the ocean.

Is ocean mans friend or enemy?

The ocean is both. Yes it is full of dark creatures, and yes some of those creatures would kill you, but the ocean is a mystical place full of magic and wonder. Beautiful creatures and plants.

What would happen if the currents stopped?

Most of the living creatures in the ocean would not survive.

Why don't countries such as the USA want to change their laws regarding greenhouse gas emissions?

The USA signed but did not ratify the Kyoto Protocol which was a legally binding agreement to reduce greenhouse gases. It claimed that to do would damage its economy.

What is global warming in Telugu?

global warming is the inccrease of earth's average surface temperature due to effect of greenhouse ngases,such as carbon dioxide emissions from burning fossil fuels or from deforestation,which trap heat that would otherwise escape from earth.this is a type of greenhouse effect.

What will the future be like if global warming stopped?

Well, nobody really knows what the future would be like. I predict, thought, that we would have to slowly rebuild our world, maybe without cars and greenhouse gas emissions.

How will solar energy effect our world?

solar energy will effect our world because it will stop the greenhouse effect from growing -SmartyPants411-Did you also know painting your roof white will reduce greenhouse effect??? If everyone in the U.S. painted their roof white, greenhouse effect would be reduced enough to take back all emissions done in 2008.

Why must sea creatures living on the bottom of the ocean have different food sources than creatures living in surface waters?

It is simple, if you live in a place where all you can get is fruit would you eat it or die? Since the food source is different down deep in the ocean then on the surface the deep sea creatures must eat what is available.

How does using Geothermal energy effect the environment?

Geothermal energy can reduce emissions of greenhouse gases by replacing energy that would have come from burning fossil fuels. It is basically a fairly clean energy source

What countries produce the most greenhouse gases?

The country of China has now (2011) surpassed the US as the single greatest greenhouse gas producer.In order the China, United States and Russia top the list. Blocs of countries like the European Union are significant contributors.A:China is the leading producer of greenhouse gases. China produces 22.3% of the world's annual CO2 emissions while the United States is in a close second with 19.91% of the world's annual CO2 emissions. A:In 2000, Belize topped the per capita greenhouse gas emissions list of tonnes of CO2e (carbon dioxide equivalent) with landuse change, such as deforestation, with a shocking 93.9 tonnes of CO2e per capita, as it is a developing nation. Qatar, on the other hand topped the per capita greenhouse gas emissions list of tonnes of CO2e (carbon dioxide equivalent) without landuse change with 54.7 tonnes of CO2e per capita. China is the primary producer of GHG emissions with the United States and India close behind.China

How much greenhouse gases does a television emit in a year?

The actual television sets emit no greenhouse gases at all. The connections you could make between a TV set and greenhouse gases would be the emissions during the manufacturing process, and the greenhouse gases emitted as the powerplant generates electricity to run the device. The amount depends on the size of the set and how long it is running. If your TV is powered by electricity from nuclear or renewable sources, then it causes no greenhouse gases at all.

Why without greenhouse effect earth would freeze?

OK, It wont freeze. Earth has atmospheres which kind of keep SOME heat in but still releasing extra. The greenhouse effect wont freeze earth the less greenhouse emissions the better. Greenhouse effect is when their is ALOT of carbon in the air from cars and the sun's rays come onto Earth but wont leave. WHich causes the Earth to heat up, and in no time we will end up like Mars.... dead