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sir cv ramen describes the problem of soil erosion and illustrates the life giving properties of water through a detailed bar graph

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3mo ago

Sir CV Raman described soil erosion as a significant threat that degrades fertile soil and affects agricultural productivity. He emphasized the crucial role of water in sustaining life by highlighting how water aids in nourishing crops and providing essential nutrients to support plant growth, ultimately contributing to the sustenance of ecosystems and human life.

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Q: How does Sir CV Raman describe the problem of soil erosion and illustrate the life giving properties of water?
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What are the problem of farming on soil that is very sandy?

Farming on sandy soil can face challenges such as poor water retention, low nutrient content, and vulnerability to erosion. Sandy soil drains quickly, which can lead to plants receiving insufficient water and nutrients. It can also be prone to wind and water erosion, which can further deplete its fertility.

Loss of fertile soil that is a problem in agriculture is known as?

Soil erosion is the process in which soil is lost or displaced. This can be a major problem in agriculture as it diminishes the fertility of the soil, making it more challenging to grow crops successfully. Implementing erosion control measures, such as terracing or planting cover crops, can help preserve fertile soil.

Why is soil erosion a problem for humans?

Soil erosion is a problem for humans because it can lead to loss of soil fertility, reduced crop yields, increased sedimentation in water bodies, and impacts on infrastructure such as roads and buildings. It can also contribute to desertification, which can lead to food insecurity and environmental degradation.

What is the problem with coastal erosion?

Coastal erosion is a natural process, but it can become a problem when it is accelerated by human activities such as construction, mining, and damming rivers. This can lead to the loss of coastal habitats, damage to infrastructure, and increased vulnerability to storm surges and sea-level rise. Erosion can also threaten the livelihoods and well-being of communities that rely on coastal resources.

What is most likely reason wwhy soil erosion can be a major problem?

Soil erosion can be a major problem due to factors such as deforestation, improper land use practices, and heavy rainfall events. These factors can lead to the removal of the top layer of soil, which contains important nutrients for plant growth, resulting in decreased soil fertility and productivity. Erosion can also lead to sedimentation of water bodies, causing water pollution and habitat degradation.

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