The ossa cordis bone in the heart is an example of a splanchnic bone of ruminants
Alpacas are ruminant animals
Goats are ruminant animals.
characteristic of non ruminant animals
Yes they are.
Splanchnic organs refer to the organs in the abdominal cavity that receive sympathetic innervation from the splanchnic nerves. Some examples of splanchnic organs include the stomach, liver, spleen, pancreas, and intestines.
giraffe and all that stuff
Ruminant animals have 4 stomachs but the microbed don't produce cellulose, they break it down.
Non-ruminant farm animals include the following (I'll list more than three here for you):PigsHorsesDonkeysMules/HinniesChickensDucksGeeseTurkeysDogsCats
Ruminant animals have a complex stomach with four compartments that allows them to regurgitate and re-chew their food, aiding in digestion. Non-ruminant animals have a simpler, single-chambered stomach. Ruminants also have a symbiotic relationship with microorganisms in their stomach that help break down cellulose in their diet.
Do you mean the OS cordis (bones in the heart)? If so then it is not seen in humans, it is common in ruminant species like cattle, it is also seen in otters! It is part of the Splanchnic skeleton and the bone form on soft tissue.
A splanchnic bone is a bone that develops in soft tissue and is unattached to the rest of the skeleton. Ex. In cats and dogs: Os penis (a bone in the penis) In cattle: Os cordis (a bone in the heart)
Peptides and starches.