There are several divisions of idiophones, some are struck some are plucked. They are made of a variety of materials for example:
wood block, -- wood
singing bowl, -- metal
steel tongue drum, -- steel
triangle or marimba -- steel
maracas -- natural fruit
bells -- metal
musical saw metal
Idiophones and Membranophones
Idiophones are instruments that produce sound with the vibration from their body. Castanets are non-pitched instruments and idiophones that are generally used in Spanish Folk Music.
Membranophones Chordophones Idiophones Percussion
Idiophones produce sound by vibrating themselves when struck, shaken, or scraped. They are unique because they do not require strings, membranes, or columns of air to produce sound like other instruments do. Instead, idiophones create sound directly from their own material.
Yes they are. Membranophones and Idiophones are categories in the percussion family.
By shaking, scraping, or striking the instrument itself
It can be Idiophones and Membranophones or Pitched and Unpitched percussion.
Idiophones, Membranophones, Aerophones,Chordophones, and Electrophones
idiophones membronophones Aerophones chordophones electrophones
Claves, Shakers, Chimes, Xylophones, Vibraphones, Gong, Triangle, and etc.