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Q: The lemonade was colder than an iceberg in the Arctic?
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Which literary device is used in The lemonade was colder than an iceberg in the Arctic?


What is the literary device in this sentence the lemonade was colder than an ice berg in the Artctic?

The literary device in this sentence is a simile. It compares the coldness of the lemonade to the extreme coldness of an iceberg in the Arctic using the word "than" to establish the relationship.

Is it colder in Antarctica than in the Arctic?

Yes, Antarctica is about 30 degrees F colder than the Arctic, because it is a continent. The Arctic is open water and sea ice.

Is it colder at the antarctic than the arctic?

The antarctic is colder than the arctic because of Antarctica, the continent, on which is stored 90% of the Earth's store of ice.

Is the arctic colder than the antarctic?

No, it's not.

Why is the Arctic colder than Antarctica?

Antarctica is colder than the arctic because it is a continent with high elevation, which is about 2,800 meters above sea level. The continent is considered a heat-sink for planet earth. Antarctica is about 30 degrees F colder than the Arctic.

How does a glass of lemonade become cold when you put ice on it?

The ice, which is colder than the lemonade, absorbs heat from it as it warms and melts.

Is the Arctic circle colder or warmer than Antarctica?


What is the climate on Antarctica like on North America?

The two climates are not the same. Antarctica is far colder than North America, as is the Arctic. Antarctica is about 30 degrees F colder than the Arctic.

Is it colder in the Antarctic Circle than in the Arctic Circle?

On average, yes.

Is the Arctic generally warmer or colder than Antarctica?

Generally warmer.

Which is colder the antarctic or the arctic?

Antarctica is colder than the Arctic. The average temperature in Antarctica is around -49 degrees Celsius (-56 degrees Fahrenheit), while the Arctic's average temperature is around -34 degrees Celsius (-29 degrees Fahrenheit).